Football Rivalry | Teen Ink

Football Rivalry

May 28, 2013
By Tanner Reddick BRONZE, Stonebro, Pennsylvania
Tanner Reddick BRONZE, Stonebro, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Football Rivalry
As the dew lifted from the wet, green grass of the Lakeview Sailors’ new field, the workers got the field ready for the big game. The sailors are hosting the Ohio Glaciers for one of the biggest games of the season. This game is for all the marbles, including bragging rights. The Glaciers had a big team with a lot of stocky kids. Lakeview, as always, has a quicker but smaller team. While the field was getting ready, the team was in school waiting for game time. Even Mrs. Husband was ready for some football. All she wants is for the day to go faster so she can watch the game. Study hall came and the team couldn’t focus because they were thinking about what they were supposed to do in the game. Trent and I sat by each other in study hall.
“Hey how do you feel?” Trent whispered.
“Good,” I said, “I just want to get suited up and get out on the field.”
Trent spoke, “yeah me too, it stinks to just sit in school all day.”
“Well we…” I tried to say.
“Excuse me, should you guys be talking? I’ll take you guys to the office!” said Miss Mayer. After a long school day, it was almost game time. The team was getting ready as the butterflies were building in our bellies. Everyone was finishing tying their shoes and tucking in the red, black, and white sailor jerseys. Coach walked in and everybody hushed up and all eyes

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and ears were ready for his pregame speech. The coach Announced,” I’m very proud of all of you. You have really shown everyone what Lakeview football is all about. But tonight it’s all or nothing. We need this win. We will get this win. You know how I know? Because I believe in every one of you! What do you say boys?”
“Yes, sir!” the team exclaimed. Our team was nervous but ready at the same time. Knees and hands were shaking as coach was delivering his final words. Then we got up and got in our lines to walk to the field. The sweet sound of our cleats hitting the sidewalk is ringing through my ears.

We ran out on the field as our song was playing and our fans are clapping and chanting wildly at us. We are running past the stands and we all see Mrs. Husband sitting front row, yelling louder than everyone else in the whole stadium.
“Let’s go Lakeview!” she shouted. The fans were talking about the game in the stands.
“Hey, do you think our Sailors are going to win?” my dad’s friend Jimmy wondered.
My father proclaimed, “Well they have a good chance but it’s going to be a good game, I can tell you that much.”
Mrs. Husband overheard their conversation and yelled, “Are you kidding me? We are going to get a win even if I have to go play out there!” Finally the captains jogged out for the coin toss. The other team wins the toss and defer to the second half. Not good for us. We said,” Good luck” and ran back to our teams and got ready. We all get lined up for the kickoff while our butterflies are going crazy in our stomachs. Braden and I are back deep waiting for the kick. As the ball comes to us I yell for Braden to get it. He catches it and gets a good chunk of yards. Our wide
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receiver brings the play in and it’s time for good old Lakeview football. “Pro left 49 crack sweep, ready break!” said Cole. We drive the ball all the way down the field until I break free and score a touchdown. I run over and thank my amazing blockers.
“Good blocking boys,” coach yelled with great pleasure, “that’s what I like to see.” The score gets tied up by the other team because of an error in our defensive play. We jog to our end zone for the half time break and our coaches tell us what we were doing wrong and how we can fix it. Half time is over and they get the ball. We are on defense.
I announce “strong left, tight left!” then they suddenly change the play all around and we couldn’t get set in time. Their quarter back throws it as far down the field as he could and their tallest receiver caught it for a touchdown. They kicked the ball to us and Dylan scooped it up and got drilled as soon as he looked up. We ran a couple plays and got a good chunk of yards and their defense was getting tired. And then we made a mistake. Braden and I ran left and Cole pitched it right. Somehow he recovered the ball but it was 4th and 26. Braden had to punt. It was a nice punt. Not too shabby. We couldn’t let them score. They got the ball and tried to run it up the middle to waste time off the clock. “Let’s go boys, it isn’t over till the clock hits zero!” coach said. Aaron and Wyatt made the Glaciers’ running back fumble. The ball laid peacefully on the ground for two seconds until Landon picked it up and ran to the end zone. We were up by 7 and we had 32 seconds left until we win the biggest game of the year. Cole drops back, kneels the ball and we watch the clock expire. Game over.
Our post game talk was more of a celebration then anything. We couldn’t wait to go brag to our family and friends because of how well we did. We finally beat our rivals!

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