Man of Infamy: Guardians | Teen Ink

Man of Infamy: Guardians

June 17, 2013
By Anonymous

He stood there with frost trickling down his forearm and his eyes glowing blue with despair. I looked at him with anguish and shock. I slowly walked to him with caution. He started becoming aware that I was walking to him. His eyebrows went down and John looked at me like I was a stranger to him. “John, it's me Jordan” he lifted up his hand with the frost slowly falling down of of his forearm. Right when I was about to run at him to give him a big hug, his hand started to glow and before I could even open my mouth wind shot at me and I went flying a steel pillar that held up the the building that lived inside the side of a mountain.

I dented the pillar with smoke flying left and right. I collapsed onto the floor and looked up at John. He was looking at me with anger. I thought deep into my mind and try to think why he was mad at me. He shot multiple ice bombs at me with quick reflexes as I was flipping all over the cavern. He started walking towards me with his eyes leaving a trail of blue illumination. I walked towards the brick side of the cavern so he couldn’t use his frigid powers on me. As I walked he looked at the pattern of bricks on the floor. He looked up at me and continued walking. I grinned at him kept my mouth shut before I would screw up everything and end my life. He lifted up his hand with the icy smoke coming from it and fired at my chest.

I flew into the brick wall with the bricks falling down one by one. I got up and looked at him with confusion and pain. He grinned at me and sprinted towards me. As he swung his fist I moved my scarred and dirty face and tried to swing. He caught my fist with his ribs and kicked me towards the already broken wall. I pondered deeply into my mind and thought. Then I remembered why his powers work in the brick infilled room. As I thought laying on the cold floor I remembered that he was a bio conduit. A bio conduit is the same thing as a conduit but with self inflicted powers. He injected himself with his own powers, so it wasn't a virus would be immune to brick or anything relating to brick. I got up shook my hands and jumped. I had black rubber bands on my index finger,middle finger and pinkie. John shot wind at me. I put my forearms in front of my battered and bruised face. Wind hit my tattoos and my vest flapped against my back. I sprinted towards him and punched him in the face. I went for another punch but he moved and kneed me in the stomach. I turned into the grey smoke and appeared right behind him. I stuck my hand out aganinst the back of his shaved head.In an instant I had a flashback about all the good times we had. I couldn’t release the fire. Then I realized good(killing john) or evil(letting him live). I formed the fireball in my hand and ended his life.

I walked away with tears running down my cheek and my beanie lying dirty on the floor. My hair flew in my eyes considering that I haven't cut it in 2 years. As I walked out L.T.W.B soldiers scattered all across my field of vision. My eyes glowed red I jumped up and did a flip in the air as I looked down I grinned and took the leap of faith. As I was going down I felt the bullets past my face and the smoke bursting out of my hands uncontrollably. I landed and The L.T.W.B went flying in each every direction of the room. It was painless I thought the force on impact killed them. Chains fell from the ceiling,rocks caved in on the cold lifeless bodies. I quickly evaporated into a nothingness of black smoke with little fire particles following me and surrounding me as I escaped.

I manifested myself into my normal conduit myself. Everytime I change back into my conduit self. I look at my hands and test my horrid smoke abilities hoping that they will die out one day. I looked as the mountain crumbled down over those helpless conduits they had stored in there,it was not my choice I didn't want to do it. Alone or dead I thought as my eyes focused more on the ruins of the base that once was homing 600 soldiers. I wonder what the general wanted me for I thought. That thought quickly became a nothingness in the back of my head. But that was the biggest mistake of my life.

I looked around and wondered how the hell they got me to this base. I looked to my side and saw something illuminating under the rubble of the brick and stone that lied side to side by each other. I pulled out the stainless metal and it appeared to be some type of hovercraft. Next to it lied A massive sized chain. I looped it around my shoulder then wrapped it around my waste.

I stepped on the metal thing and lifted a switch. In an instant I ascended into the air. I let a little cry of fear. Then I remembered when my father taught me how to ride a skateboard. My father was very mysterious man with dark red eyes and a clean shiny head. He supposedly died when I was 8. He didn't have a funeral. I didn't even get to see his body. I didn't have another. After my dad died I ran away with John and we lived on roof on the top of an abandoned warehouse. I lived my life with a voice that you're always going to be here with me. I landed on my roof and blew up the hoverboard not knowing if it had a tracking device.

I sat down on my leather couch I stole from some people a few years back. I sat down and I heard a sizzling sound behind me. I got up and put my arm in front of my face ready to fire the power that I wish I never had. It was John. I stared at him with shock and fear. He grinned at me and sat down on my leather couch and patted the couch as a signification to sit down. I sat down with unease.

He said “do you know who I really am” I looked at him with eyes wide open and my hands shaking from fear. He looked at me with his dark eyes that weren't blue anymore. They looked like my fathers eyes. I looked at him with fear. He manifested himself into my supposedly dead father. I got up with fear and my eyes squinting to see if he was really there. “I have been there the whole time, Jordan” He lifted up his hands and before I knew it I was a domain full of fire and pools of lava everywhere. He looked at me and said “you my son ,are the prince of hell”

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