Safe Place | Teen Ink

Safe Place

July 16, 2013
By Nichole Dahmer BRONZE, Royse City, Texas
Nichole Dahmer BRONZE, Royse City, Texas
3 articles 4 photos 0 comments

As I dive, the coolness of the waters overwhelm me, however, I suddenly forget when I see the colorful life underneath our world. Pinks, yellows, blues- Oh, the colors. I gracefully float to the ocean floor; I dig my feet beneath the cool sand, and watch it fall between my toes. A yellow fish darts past- No, now it’s a school of yellow fish, following closely behind, reminding me of my own city. My mind flashes pictures of my chaotic hometown, a green lady, tall buildings, and people- oh, the people. I don’t want to think about the world above me. I like it down here. I’m safe from reality. Safe from people; I know that this is where I’m safe, when I watch to sea grass wave with the tide; I wave back in perfect peace.

The author's comments:
I love the ocean, it's full of amazing creatures, and magnificent sites to see. It's an entirely new world beneath our own, and I just felt if I could capture that picture, add in my own details, then it would be, what can I say, awesome.

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