The Journey Across America | Teen Ink

The Journey Across America

August 22, 2013
By Winobren12345 BRONZE, Williamsburg, Michigan
Winobren12345 BRONZE, Williamsburg, Michigan
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Jeff was just a regular guy with a regular job at Coli Connections. He was a skinny but tall man. He used to be built like a bodybuilder, but that was when he was in college and that was 15 years ago. He has a wife and a son. His son John and he don't really get along because when John was growing up, he really never had a chance to connect with his father because he was always working late nights and early mornings.

Well one night, when Jeff got home from a stress filled day his wife told him they need to have a talk. She handed Jeff divorce papers signed by her... He stuttered and asked why?? She told him that they never really connected as much as they needed to. The next morning the house was empty besides the bed,tv,clothes and the couch. Jeff went down stairs and stared out the window and said to himself, I think I needed a change.

Jeff decided he was going to do something amazing. He was going to show his son that he isn't a boring guy. He went into the garage and looked around. He saw the red cover. He went to the cover and pulled it off and there stood a red race bike that Jeff rode in college. Jeff said to himself, man I sure have had some great moments with this bike. He pulled it out and sat on it and a rush of excitement! He sat there and thought about the wins and losses he had with his team! Then he said to himself, I'm going to show my kid that I can still be that great dad he never really had.

Jeff quit his job and started riding his bike every day to get ready for the ride. After 2 months of sweat and hard work he was ready. He decided he was going to start in two days! (Monday). That next day Jeff decided he should call his son. John sat on his couch and flipped his phone open. He stared at his son contact and thought. He clicked that green button and put the phone up to his ear. His son answered the phone with a hello and Jeff did to! He started tearing up and said how have you been, he said great. Jeff told him he wanted his son to come over today and talk with him!

His son was there in the next 10 minutes. Jeff finally broke the the news to John, he looked at him and said son, I'm sorry I was never there when you were growing up and I just wanted to let you know I'm here for you now! John said well I'm going to be here for you all the way for this ride! They got up and hugged and said, “see ya tomorrow”! Jeff layed in his bed and thought about the past few days and fell into a deep sleep. He woke up to the sounds of a crash I front of his house. He ran outside and saw his sons car smashed by a garbage truck. He yells at the people standing on the sidewalk watching to call 911. He runs over to the driver door and opens it quickly. He unbuckled his son's seat belt and pulls his son out. He started crying and said you're going to be okay!

You could now hear the sound of the ambulance but it was faded. He was sitting on the ground with his son in his arms and telling him he'll be fine. The ambulance was now there and the paramedics jumped out and pulled the stretcher out and put John on it. Jeff jumped into the back of the ambulance and rode there with John. Jeff waited in the waiting room for about two hours and finally the Doc came out with good news. John was going to be fine. He sustained minor injuries but he should be okay. Jeff asked if he could see his son.

Jeff walked into his son’s room and sat down. His son was sleeping but he knew he could hear him. Jeff told his son that he's going to do this ride for him now. He said "I know I wasn't there then, but I am now so believe in me son”. Jeff told him he loved him and left. He took a taxi home and got on his bike he rode it to highway 95. That's where his journey began. He put in his headphones and played some music. He sat on his bike before he began and though about how far he has came and now he has to do it. He puts his first foot on the pedal and pushed.

He looked up and pedaled. He pedaled a mile and coasted,pedaled a mile and coasted. He rode down 95 and which took him all day. That next morning got up and ate a good breakfast and was off! He pushed as hard as he could. Two days later was by Chicago. He saw the Route 66 sign and got on. The rode was cracked and you could see weeds growing up through those cracks. He looked all around and then got on and pedaled. Those next few days were hot and grueling but he made it too Sante Fe, Nm.

He only had to make it to Los Angeles, Ca. which would take about two days. He went to bed and got a good night sleep. He woke up and got some food and left. He pushed himself for those two days as hard as he could. He made it to his fine round and he saw hundreds of people including his soon and huge sign that said finish!! He pedaled harder and harder until he was under the finish sign. He gave his son a big hug and said I did it!! John and his father flew back to Maine where there houses where. They took a picture of the bike and them and put it on the wall.

Jeff said I never could've done this without you, son!!

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