The Beginning | Teen Ink

The Beginning

September 9, 2013
By Zachd123 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
Zachd123 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The truth stings like a bitch."

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Let the match begin. I rolled behind a rock to keep from being seen by an enemy. I was the best sharpshooter on the team. “Shade we need to get to their base and get their flag, it’s the only way to win this game.” Bryson said. “Ok…Go and I’ll provide sniper support,” I said. Bryson ran for the enemy base, a guy was hiding and popped up about to shoot Bryson. I panicked I shot him giving away my position. Bryson turned around when he heard the shot. He was smiling when he saw me running fast towards him and the guy laying on the ground right behind him. As we were about to get the flag a team of 5 guys guarding the flag shot us. We were out of the game. We lost the airsoft gun battle and we had the bruises to prove it.

As we were going to my house for dinner, a guy stepped out of the shadows. I recognized him; he was the wanted man from California I kept seeing on T.V. He was wanted for murder. He approached me with a gun in his hand. “I had fun killing your mother, now it’s your turn.” Anger flared through my body as I heard the news about my mother. As I was about to act, I saw ad bright flash and the guy was gone and then I passed out. When I came to Bryson was screaming my name. He was trying to get me to go down the manhole into the sewer. I heard sirens wailing so I got up and ran to him and climbed down the hole.

When I got to the bottom we started running in a direction, and when I asked Bryson where we were going, he just told me to keep running. When we finally did get to where Bryson wanted us to go, it was just a big metal door with a keypad built into it. He punched in a few numbers and it started to open. Then there was nothing but a bright white light.

To Be Continued.

The author's comments:
I like fiction, so i thought i would try my own.

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