The Drop | Teen Ink

The Drop

September 27, 2013
By Zachd123 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
Zachd123 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The truth stings like a bitch."

Chapter 2: The Drop
The light was blinding. “Hurry up,” Bryson said. I saw a grey shape and ran towards it. BANG! It was a pipe. I lay there on the ground trying to regain my vision, and I heard laughter. It was Bryson standing over me laughing. He saw me run into the pipe.
“Shut up”
“I can’t help it Shade you ran into a pipe.”
“Ok it’s funny, now help me up. So where are we going anyway.”
“To a place for people like us.”
“Like us?”
“Yeah, oh you still haven’t figured it out. We have powers Shade. I have control of water, that’s how I always win on the swim team.”
“Yeah right. Why would I ever believe that?”
“Fine then, let’s just keep going.”
We walked down a long hall. At the end there was a lever. Bryson and I pulled it, and a giant hole appeared on the ground.
“So what do we do now, I can’t even see the bottom.”
“Now we jump.”
“Yeah you must be crazy; we would die when we hit the bottom.”
“Well now’s a good time to show you I have a power.”
He jumped down the hole and instantly I saw a huge wave of water rise up from the bottom of the hole, and pull him back down. Wow maybe I had control over water to. I jumped. I closed my eyes on the fall. I opened them and knew I didn’t have control of water. My body was on fire and I wasn’t moving. I was flying. I was thinking of going down and the fire knew instantly that I meant to descend, but it did it so fast that I touched the ground in seconds. Bryson was there watching me, with my body on fire. I felt the fire go out, I felt lightheaded and passed out.
When I awoke I was in a white room with bunks around and a nurse beside my bed.
“Where am I?”
“Oh good your up Shade.” I heard someone say.
I turned my head it was Bryson.
“Bryson where am I”
“You’re in the infirmary, at the school I was telling you about.”
Instantly the memory of yesterday came rushing back to me: The flash in the alley, the sewer, Bryson jumping and me…..on fire.
“What exactly does this “school” teaches us.”
“That indeed is an excellent question Shade”
I turned my head the other way and a man with long grey hair, with rim nose glasses, and a kingly look to him.
“Who are you?” I asked
“Me, I am the headmaster of this school. But the real question is do you want to learn to control that power of yours.”
“Yes I want to learn to control it.
“Goody, keep in check of your emotions; I wouldn’t want you to incinerate yourself like the last fire elemental.”
And with that he left. (Well left isn’t the correct term, he sort of teleported out of the room, and when he left he made the room smell like mints.)
“Ok Shade your first class is at four, its 3:55 right now. Get ready to go.”
“Ok where are we going?”
“Where are you going, I have a meeting with the councilors here. Think of this like a camp.”
“Ok… so how do I know where my first class is?”
“This whole place is magic just say where you need to go and you’ll be there. Your first class is on the practice field.”
“Practice field,” I said and I was instantly teleported.
“Mr. Shade, just because you’re new doesn’t mean you can be late.” Mr. Green, my old math teacher, said.


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