Mickey Mouse and Lion King | Teen Ink

Mickey Mouse and Lion King

October 7, 2013
By MLHALE_1999 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
MLHALE_1999 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey Walt,” LeBron James called, “Do you want to go to a movie with us?” LeBron and Tom Brady were having lunch at McDonald's when they bumped into Walt Disney.

“Sure, LeBron! That would be fun. There's a great cartoon or animated movie on right now. It's about Mickey Mouse,” Walt Disney told them.

Tom added, “Okay, that sounds fun. Do you know what time it starts?”

“I'm pretty sure it starts at 6:30 tonight. Why don't you guys come to my house about 5:30 and we can go together?” Walt said to them as he got up to leave with his large tea.

Walt sat on his orange couch waiting for his friends to show up. LeBron James and Tom Brady showed up at Walt Dinsey's house, and they went to see a movie about Mickey Mouse.

When the movie was over, the three men got up to leave the theatre. Walt said, “You know what guys? I think we should make our own play. Would you be in it with me?”

“Sure!” LeBron and Tom responded together.

Walt said, “We need to get together to figure this out and practice. How about tomorrow?”

“Ok,” they whispered, and Tom said, “Where and when?”

Walt suggested, “How about 8:00 tomorrow morning at my studio in Holleywood?”

“See ou there!” LeBron and Tom yelled getting out of the car to go home.

They met at the studio the following morning ready to put their play together. They talked back
and forth. They got into a fight. Walt Disney stopped them and said, “I will decide who will be Mickey Mouse okay? Settle down and think this over”. They think it over and settle down. Then they did the play. Then that afternoon they went to eat at pizza hut. They went back to the studio.

They decided to do a another play. They did a another play about Lion King. LeBron acted like Mufasa and Tom acted liked Scar. Walt Disney replied “ACTION!” And they started the play. They went through the play and it went just fine. Walt Disney stated “CUT!” They stop the play, they went through the scene and Walt Disney answered, “We need to go through this again. Okay I wanted LeBron to be the king and Tom to be the brother.” They went through the play again, so they did the play again. They did okay with the play about Lion King and Walt Disney said, “We are done with the play”.

Walt Disney thought these plays were hard, but he had so much fun.

The author's comments:
This is for my composition class

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 8 2013 at 9:45 am
Esmeralda56 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Smile, When you have the chance!

Nice story!!