Saving the World | Teen Ink

Saving the World

October 7, 2013
By Anonymous

My names Drew Darcy and this is my story.
50 years ago on March 24, 2013 the town hall buried a time capsule. The date was March 24, 20563. We were finally getting to open it. I'm on the city counsel so I got to open some of the letters and any other things people put in the capsule.
They gave me five letters and a small box with one of the letters taped to the bottom. The first letter is from a fist grader. It said "Hello future me I bet you are relly cool. I no that I have a lot of frinds and a lot of boyfrinds. Is justin bieber still super hot and awesome? You got to let me know. Well I got some spelling work to do sow bye Jessica!!" The others said the same things from different people. Except the one with the box. The letter had random numbers on it. 742013 532036 812015 992014 6262038 more sets of numbers just like that. At the end of the letter it says open the box when you understand what you have to do.
I never understood. But it all made since. It took me months to understand what all the numbers meant. The last one was a large number. But it wasn't a number at all, it was a date. They were all dates of hard times; earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. All leading up to November 24, 2064 the biggest and most destructive hard time would come. No more after that. I had to help save the world from the ultimate disaster.
Now that I understood I could open the small black box. I knew whatever was in the box was a huge responsibility. But if it will save the world I have to do it. Not just for the people but for my girlfriend. We are supposed to get married and have kids, but I can't ask her to marry me and we can't have kids if we are gone.
I opened the box. It was a map with a star on a small town in Louisiana and a little crystal. On the back of the map were directions on jest to do when I get there. I live in California. And almost all of Louisiana is gone now. It's is just a small island. But I went anyways.
I searched what was left of Louisiana for days and there it was. Right in front of me the whole time.. Well right under me. Louisiana was not a state anymore but a huge underground volcano. I was guessing that this had to be what I was supposed to do to help save the world.
Two weeks before the date was set. I had to travel to the volcano and drop the crystal into the middle so that the crystal would harden the lava before it would be able to explode wiping out everyone's home. But getting to the middle wouldn't be an easy task for anyone.
It was hot and shaky. Knowing what had to be done and all the pressure of every life, was all on me. But I had to be strong for them. I had to get it done no matter how hard. No matter how much it hurt to do it. I had to make the impossible, possible.
When I got to the location I had to figure out how to get to the middle. I decided to get my flippers on, my scuba mask, and get to the middle. When I got I'm the water it was hot, it felt like I was in a hot tub. I swam as hard as I could so I could make it to the middle. You would think that it was an ugly sight but it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Oranges and pinks filled the water. Then I got to the middle, it was a huge hole. And the inside was nothing but a black hole. I threw the crystal into it and all I heard was rumbles and I swam out as fast as I could. When I got out it happened. But it wasn't the end. A small bubble came up out of the water. That was it one small bubble. I had done the impossible. All of this happened because of one note from a time capsule.
It was done. About a week later, a little old lady in a wheel chair knocked on my door with my girlfriend. I wasn't sure why she brought this old lady to my house. She looked at me and said in a shaky voice "So you got my letter." All I could think was why didn't she get someone else to do it, why me?
We talked for hours about everything and I finally asked how she knew I would open the letter and why would she chose me to do this. She told me that she had a feeling I would ask that. And then she explained it to me. She knew I could do it, she told me that when she knew all of those things were going to happen I would be there to save it. And that she needed someone to be strong for my grand daughter when she can't be. That would do anything to make her happy. Even save the world just so they could be together. She wanted her to have someone like me.

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