Al and Dale | Teen Ink

Al and Dale

October 8, 2013
By C_D_1996 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
C_D_1996 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is a perfectly sunny day in Florida. Today is the Daytona 500. When you walk into the stands, you see thousands of crazy fans. The fans are louder than a train. They are all cheering on their favorite racers. You can smell the burning gasoline from mile away. The racers are on the final lap. Dale is focused on the race. He is going at least 200 miles an hour. He can almost see the finish line, so he speeds up. He is going faster than he has ever gone before, when suddenly a flash of light blinded him. He feels his car spinning. He slams on the brakes, then he opens his eyes to see a man standing in front of him. The man asks, “Are you alright?”

Dale answers, “Yes.” Then he asks, “Who are you?”

The man answers, “I'm Al, the better question is, who are you?”

“I'm Dale, Dale Earnheart Sr.,” Dale said.

Dale gets out of the car and says, “Where's the race track?”

Al exclaims, “What race track! What is a race track anyways?”

“The Dayton 500 race track. Two minutes ago I was about the finish the race and now I'm...” He looks arounds and then says, “Where am I? It looks like I'm in the 1920's.”

Al says, “1921 to be exact, where else would you be? How'd you appear out of no where so fast? I though you were going to hit me!”

Dale answers, “I don't know how I appeared out of no where, but I do know how I drive so fast. I can drive so fast because I am a Nascar Racer from the future.”

“Could you teach me how to drive that fast?” Asked Al.

Dale answers, “Yeah, if there is a race track near by.”

After a lot of talking, Dale and Al decided to go out to the country. They found corn field and started practicing.

Al was not use to driving fancy cars like this. He messed up a few times. He was trying to stop the car when he accidentally hit the gas and drove into the corn field. Even after all this, Dale did not give up on Al. They practiced for a long time. Al had driven fast before, but never this fast. Al learned very quickly and Dale was impressed. During their last practice, Al said, “Thank you for teaching me how to drive. It will be very useful to me.”

Dale looked confused and asked, “Why will it be useful to you?”

Al tried to avoid the question, but then responded, “You'll see soon enough.”

Later that day, Al went to the hotel where Dale was staying. Dale was in the lobby checking in when he saw Al. The Al said, “Dale I was wrong, I think I need a few more laps around the track.” So Dale put his stuff in his room and got into the car with Al. They drove back to the corn fields where they had been practicing. Dale gets out of the car and says, “Okay, five or six more laps and then I need to go get some food. Plus I'm getting pretty tired.” Dale watched and counts as Al drives by. On the fifth lap, Dale yells, “Final lap!” Dale yells, “Get back here!” Al is already long gone.

Al races to his hideout where he meets up with his mob. Al gets out of the car and says, “I got a new set of wheels.”

The mob surrounds the car and and they ask, “Where did you get this?”

“I got it from some person named Dale Earnheart Sr.,” responded Al. “But that's not important, what is important is my big plan. Here's the plan, you guys are going to go into the bank, and I'll be around the corner. When you guys come out, after you've gotten all the money, I will be waiting for you guys at the corner, so we can get away.” After their secret meeting, they headed over to the biggest bank in Chicago. Al dropped them off and went to hide around the corner.

They gang members walk into the bank and shoot once in the air. They yell, “Everybody get down!” All the people in the bank immediatley got down and they were scared. They go up to the bank tellers and tell them to give them all the money in the bank. The tellers are too scared to fight back, so they just give them the money. The gang runs back to the car where Al is waiting for them. All of a sudden, they start hearing sirens. Then they see two cop cars around the corner. Al says, “Hang on!” He steps on the gas, does a sharp turn and then starts heading to the hide out. What he didn't remember is that one of his me was left behind.

Dale had been walking around the country roads for hours. He didn't want to admit it, but he was lost. All of a sudden Dale hears a car coming his way. He hurried and tired to flag down the car that was heading his way. The car stopped and Dale realized it looked like an old stock car. He asked the driver, “Who are you and where'd you get that car?”

The driver answered, “I'm James and I found the pieces in a junk yard and made it myself.”

Then Dale asked, “Can I get a lift back to town?”

“Hop in,” said the driver. On the way to town, Dale explained to the driver what had happened to him. “I can't believe Al would do this to me.”

“Did you say Al? As in Al Capone, the mobster?” asked James.

Dale says, “ How could I be so stupid, I should have know he was Al Capone.”

“ I will help you try to catch him. I know where we can go to get you a faster car,” said James. Then he turned around and headed toward his place. When they got there, there were several people in the garage working on a car. James tells them what's going on with Dale and they get to work.

Meanwhile, the cops were interrogating the gang member that Al had left behind. The man would not talk. The cops offered him a shortened sentence if he told them where Al and his gang went. The suspect sat there in silence for a long period of time, finally he cracked. He told them that they went back to the hide out and gave them the address. So the cops rushed back to the hide out.

Across the city, Dale just finished building a new car. James and his crew were amazed and they said, “This is the fastest car that we've ever seen. It probably goes 200 miles per hour.” Then Dale hopped into the car and said, “Thanks for all you help you guys.” He started racing toward the city to find Al.

Al was at the hide out when he heard all of the sirens heading his way. By the time that he was ready to leave, the cops were surrounding him. He got in the car, hit the gas and raced out into the street. He was going so fast that while he was leaving the hide out, he hit one of the cop cars and it flew five feet in the air. None of the cops could catch him. He was almost out of the city when Dale spotted Al. Dale makes a sharp turn and starts following Al.

They drive and drive and drive. After many hours of driving, Dale sees a “Welcome of Maine” sign. Al and Dale chase each other around the whole state, but Al realizes that he will never lose Dale in such a small state, so he starts heading for the biggest city in the United States, New York City.

They drive so fast that it takes no time to make it to New York City. They drive around for a few minutes and there is a lot of traffic. Dale gets caught in the traffic and Al is able to get away from him. Al speeds through the city cashing into cars and almost running over people, but he doesn't care. It's not long before someone calls the cops and tells them that there is a futuristic car speeding through downtown. Al is trying to find a way out of the city but before he can, he hears the sirens and he knows who's coming. Dale is on the other side of the city, but as soon as he hears the sirens he knows who the cops are after. He hits the gas and follows the sirens. Just as he thought, they are after Al and Dale races to his car until he is right on Al's tail. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, Dale sees James and two other mechanics. They are driving cars just like Dale's and they join the chase.

Al, Dale, the cops, and James' crew start heading toward the edge of New York. Once they cross the border into New Jersey the cops stay in New York and the chase continues. They head down the who East Coast, hitting every state. Al remembers that he has a cousin in Washington, so he decides that that's where he wants to go. On their way there, they cross through most of the states, leaving a train of frustrated cops behind them.

The get to Washington and Al looks for his cousin's house. His cousin happens to be outside in the front yard and Al sticks his head out the window and yells, “They're after me!” His brother jumps in his own car and he tries to catch up to the other cars, but his car is too slow and he is left behind. As soon as Al realizes that his cousin could no help him, he started down the coast, hopping he could find somewhere to hide. After many hours of driving, Al made it to California. Even in a big state like California it is hard to lose Dale and his friends. So after a few hours in California, Al decides to go to Texas. He thinks that maybe it will be easier for him to lose Dale in the desert. When they get to Texas, Al drives around the whole desert trying to lose Dale, but it is no use. It's been three weeks since they started the chase and they are all getting tired of driving. He decided that since they had been driving all this time, he might as well take a little detour in Florida. After a few hours of warm weather, he starts to remember that he has family in Atlanta, Georgia. That begins to sound like a good place to rest, so he heads there.

Al and Dale have been to every state except for Georgia. In every state they passed through, they left a trail of angry cops behind them. The Chicago police are still trying to track down Al and the money that he stole. They figure out that they have been to every state, except for one. They inform the Atlanta police that they think that Al is heading their way. They tell them to set up road blocks so that Al will not be able to get through. Even the surrounding states send cops to Atlanta to help with this plan.

Al finally makes it to Georgia and he does not see or hear any cops, which is a nice change. Then suddenly he saw a road block. He looks left and see the road black, but the right side is clear and he heads down that way. The cops immediatley break the road block and start following him. He goes down several streets and they are all blocked off on one side, he knows exactly what is happening. He knows that they are trying to set him up for a trap, so he stops the car and turns around. He starts heading back, when the rest of the cops and Dale turn the corner. Al spins the car back around and keeps going, but he sees that there is no way out. He sees a police station and there is no way around it, all the exits are blocked. The chase is over. The Chicago cops take him into custody. He is going to be locked up for a really long time. The police also gives Dale his car back.

Dale, James and his crew all start heading home to Chicago. Once they arrive, they go back to James' mechanic shop. They check the cars to check for damages and Dale's car still looks great. James says, “This car looks fine, but I would really like to see it run.”

Dale says, “I know a place where I can show you how fast this car can go.”

They all head to the corn fields that they had been using as a track. Dale gets in the car and says, “This car can go 200 miles an hour easily.” So he heads down the track, pressing on the gas pedal. Suddenly, he realizes it's happening again, he's time traveling. After a blast of bright lights, he sees the familiar track. He's back in the race. He can see the finish line and keeps going, and then CRASH.

The author's comments:
written for my composition class

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