President 7 | Teen Ink

President 7

October 8, 2013
By Anonymous

“Hitler is planning world domination,” Though Abe. They were on their way to the Bermuda Triangle to investigate the mysterious sinking of the SS Awesome Landan. On their way Hitler had mentioned that he had sunk the ship because it was carrying evidence against him. Abe still wasn’t sure what he thought about Hitler sinking a ship just to protect hid reputation as a famous restaurant owner. Two fishermen named Cooper and Bryce were on the ship when it went down.

“I'v been thinking,” whispered Hitler,”we can take over the world easily, so you wanna.”

“NO,”exclaimed Abe, “ I don't wanna.”
“Well then you will have to die,” exclaimed Hitler.

Then Abe jumped out of the car and shot its tires out like a ninja ,while He ran down the dock they had just passed and jumped onto a speedboat that just happened to have the keys in it. At that moment Hitler got out of his car and screamed “Wait.”

“Why should I” yelled Abe back, “you just tried to kill me.”

“You should wait because we can rule the world together.”

“Why do you even want to rule the world,” said Abe as he started the boat.

“Who wouldn't,” said Hitler, “think of it, you wouldn’t have to work or make money, you could just get anything you wanted for free.”

“Your crazy,” screamed Abe over the noise of the boats engines. Then Abe shot hitler. OH NO, thought Abe, what have I done.

Abe turned the boat around and went up to Hitlers corps, and started to cry.


(2 years later)

“Mr. President, Tell the press the story of how you killed your best friend Hitler,” shouted a reporter.

“I don't want to talk about it,” exclaimed Abe. It had been 2 years since he had killed his best friend Hitler ,and then he had then gone on to become a hero , until he eventually became the 7th president of the United Stated of America. He still regretted killing Hitler ,but he understood that Hitler might have gone on to rule the world.

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