The Singing Group of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

The Singing Group of a Lifetime

October 8, 2013
By StudSterling10 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
StudSterling10 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
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There are 30 seconds left in the final quarter, and the Bulls are trailing the Lakers by one. Micheal Jordan dribbles the ball down the floor. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 Micheal Jordan shoots the ball with one second left. It's up, and it goes in! Bulls win! Bulls win! Bulls win! The crowd goes wild. Micheal also goes wild, as he is jumping up into the air a lot of times, and he is so excited. Micheal Jordan is the MVP of the NBA title for the 2nd year in a row! Micheal Jordan and the team are partying, and the Beatles walk in. They ask to talk to Micheal Jordan. Micheal Jordan is wondering why the Beatles want to talk to them?

The Beatles say, “Micheal Jordan, we think you have potential to join our singing group.”

“Well I don't know if I want to join a singing group when I'm playing at my best game right now,” says Jordan.

“ Come on, Micheal, you can be better at singing, and we can go around the world and get money every month,” Beatles say.

“Well alright I guess, but we better be the best singing group in the world,” Jordan said.

The Beatles and Micheal are going around the world singing getting money. They are having the best time of there lives right now singing. On the news the Beatles, and Micheal Jordan are the top band in the world. The Beatles and Micheal go crazy!

The Beatles and Micheal are the studs of the singing groups. They are singing for about one more year, and they had the best time in the world. They we're driving down the road, and The Beatles thought that they we're better singers than Micheal. Then The Beatles got into a argument with Micheal. They we're in such a argument that they stopped at a gas station. They finally realized that they better stop or they are going to get into trouble with the news. Micheal wanted The Beatles to add him in the name Beatles, so that they don't have to keep saying The Beatles and Micheal. So Micheal was in the Beatles.

The Beatles saw a person that obliviously new he wanted there auto- graph so bad. The Beatles asked the person “what is your name young person.”

The young person explained, “that he didn't know what his name was.”

The Beatles say, “ Well who should we make it out to.”

The unknown person explained, “Cooper.”

The Beatles asked, “ Ok is that your name.”

The unknown person explained, “ Yeah.”

Right when The Beatles tried to give the auto-graph to them a strange person shoot Cooper. Then Micheal shot the shooter. Micheal asked the shooter what his name was. The strange man said it was Connor as he died. The Beatles are asking why Micheal has a gun. Micheal explained to them why he has a gun. The Beatles understood why Micheal had a gun. They were back on the road in there tour. Micheal was driving the bus and wasn't paying attention. When Micheal was driving he didn't know he was driving on the wrong side and he hit a car. The car that ran into the bus was completely demolished. The person that was driving the car died. Then the Beatles got mad at Micheal, and they said it was the final day with The Beatles. Micheal got a ride back to the Bulls place and he asked the boss for the Bulls to join the team again. The boss said yes to Micheal and all the players from the Bulls were mad at Micheal. After, Micheal new that he had to prove himself to the team that he was still good and could win the playoff games and the NBA title.

Micheal during practice was getting just totally dominated by his teammates because he didn't play for a long time. Micheal got so frustrated with himself because he couldn't do anything right. Micheal finally got his chance to play his first game and he just got even worse, but when he saw the Beatles watching the game and laughing at him he just took off. He went on a scoring rampage. He put up 20 points in 2 minutes. The other team was just amazed and the coach new that was who Micheal really is.

The next game was the last game until the playoffs and the Bulls had to win to get into the Playoffs. The Bulls during halftime were winning by 10 points. Indiana was there opponent and they needed a win also to get in the Playoffs. Indiana came back during the second half, and they took the lead after the third quarter. During the last quarter Micheal was so mad that they were losing and because his team was getting mad at him. Micheal just was so mad that he just took off and started driving the ball into the paint scoring. The Bulls took the lead with one minute left. Indiana had no other answers for Micheal. There was only 10 seconds left and the bulls were winning by 10. Indiana just gave up the Bulls were heading to the Playoffs.

In Miami the Bulls were facing the Pistons, and if they win this serious they would be heading to the Finals. The bulls were winning the serious 2-0. The bulls had to win one more game to win.They were beating the Piston by 30 in the 4th quarter. The bulls are heading to the Finals for the 3rd year in a row. They were driving down to the place were it was and they were really pumped for the games. The first game the Lakers won, and the Bulls were really mad. They wanted to win the next game because if they didn't it would be hard to beat the Lakers.

They were tied in the final quarter of the game and the Bulls took the lead with 1 minute left. The Lakers tied it with10 seconds left. Micheal dribbled the ball down the floor, and with 1 second shot the ball and it went in. The Bulls won the second game of the serious.The Bulls were ready for the next game and they won that game by ten points. They went in to the forth game and they lost it by five points. The serious was tied going into the 5th game of the serious. The serious was tied at the 7th game of the serious.

The final game of the serious was tied and the Bulls were winning at the end of the 1st half. The final half the Lakers were dominate and going into the final quarter the Lakers were winning by ten. The bulls came back, and tied it in the fourth quarter. They took the lead in the final quarter and the Lakers didn't have a chance to tie it and the Bulls won it again in the final quarter. The Bulls were going crazy and they partying once again. Then Micheal Jackson asked if he could talk to Micheal Jordan.

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