The Epic Journy | Teen Ink

The Epic Journy

October 8, 2013
By XxscopesxXxlegitxXxf4z3xXxMLGxX BRONZE, Bremen Indiana, Indiana
XxscopesxXxlegitxXxf4z3xXxMLGxX BRONZE, Bremen Indiana, Indiana
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Favorite Quote:
This cosmic dance bursting with decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively and if sweetness has the will to win witch it does ill be here tomorrow to high five you yesterday my friend, peace.

Bob Marly was in his small house on the beach in India. This is where he was born. He was on the beach just chilling, talking to friends when Thomas Crapper and Al Capone walked up and said,
“Come with us!” in a stern voice.

Bob Marly said, “See ya guys later,” walking away with them.

After they got him, they all went out to eat. Thomas and Al said, “If you don't go on an adventure to save the world, you would probably be killed by the Indian mafia.” Bob agreed, and they left for the S.C.P base to be trained.

“S.C.P stands for secure contain and protect” stated the commander. “We decided to name ourselves that because we secure the enemy, contain them, and protect the people.”

“So what am I supposed to do?” asked Bob Marly.

Al Capone answered, ”We need you to speak the language and your speed and expertise in law as well as your expertise in being a cop.”

“That was a long time ago,” said Bob Marly.

“Yeah we know,” said the commander whose real name is Commander Fury from the Avengers movie.

“But you know as well as I do that you still have the skills to do what you did then,” commented Thomas Crapper.

“You listen here die-rec-tor fury or whatever your name is. I quit the force a long time ago because all it did was almost get me killed!”

“Well now you have teammates, and you're not a lone wolf anymore,” stated Commander Fury.

“True, said Bob but I still don't really want to because teammates can't always keep you from dieing.”

“Well any way.” said Fury “it's time to go no more discussing this subject, so Bob are you joining or not?”

“Well said Bob I don't do anything else except smoke marijuana and hang out with friends, so I guess I will join.”
“Good said Fury then it's time to rock!”
Then they left Al, Thomas, and Bob marly left for the jungle to find the secret temple of ooooo. Six weeks later...”Dude were never gonna find it it's impossible we've been hacking through this jungle for 2 weeks and all we've found is spiders, snake, trees, and alligators!” stated Bob.

Yeah said Al it has been a while since we've seen aclue or anything stating that we're heading the right way.
“Wait” said Bob, “whats that?”
“oh” said Al “I'm so glad we brought you because thats the temple!”
“Finally,” said Thomas “It's the only sign of civilization we've seen in two weeks!”
“Well let's go said Al.”
So then the three friends started to walk t word's the Temple Of Ooooo!

After they got to the temple they opened the old door and walked inside. As soon as they got to the second door there was a puzzle but it was an easy matching game one. But after a while the puzzles started to get harder and harder and they kept having to go back and find the answers but after a while it was to far to go back so they had to guess on most of the puzzles until finally they got to the inner sanctum where the master stone is witch is basically what they need to save the world because the master stone is used in the making of a very deadly weapon.

As Bob advance he heard a slight click but thought nothing of it until arrows started flying out of the wall. Acting on his police instincts dropped to the floor just as the first arrow flew right where his eye was. As he started to advance agin he was constantly looking down for weird title's or trip wires but found only one and disabled it quickly. After Bob grabbed the stone, as he picked it up he heard an unexpected click and the temple started to collapse. So Bob Al and Thomas started to run as fast as they could but as they were running out of the entrance and` then it smashed down on Bob. But all of the sudden he woke up in a hospital with the police chief standing over him in a hospital bed saying “My that had to be sum dream you were having is you'r gunshot wound any better?” “Oh yeah said Bob it feels great!” but he said it halfheartedly. “Good.” said chief “i'll see you next week then!” “Ok chief see you then.” And thats where the story ends Bob continues his job and could never figure out why he had this dream.

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