Tales of Skyim: Rebel Target | Teen Ink

Tales of Skyim: Rebel Target

October 30, 2013
By iwishihadjessysgirl BRONZE, Lehigh Acres, Florida
iwishihadjessysgirl BRONZE, Lehigh Acres, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There she was, I had finally found her. Two hours earlier she was the target, the rebel target. Channel Hyde the leader of rebel s. There she was sitting right there in front of me, sitting on the brown planked dock by herself, no guards, no friends, nobody. This is my chance to take her down for all the imperial soldiers and guards hurt and killed by her. I will fight for them.
As I ran towards her I felt the rush, the need for blood. Channel will be dead, peace restored, and I will be famous. After her the rest of rebels would be crushed easily. When I reached her she vanished.
“What is this” I thought “Where is she”.
I fell for what seemed like eternity. When I landed it just happened to be my luck to land on my back, I jumped up and I seen what looks to be a mix between werewolf and a bear. Was this the real Channel Hyde?
“Who are you” bellowed the beast in rage.
“Uhhh who m-m-me”
“Well yes idiot you, now who and what are you”
“I am Jonathan Borrow, Imperial leader. Commanding officer rank 100”.I exclaimed both proudly and scared.
“Ha another Imperial leader to eat” said the beast laughingly.
The beast jumped at me and I rolled to the right. I brought out my war hammer and charged towards the beast. It scratched my arm and I cut its leg. Red, red, red blood everywhere. I had to go and take a potion. The beast came for a second round and I dodged once again. The stupid beast had gotten it’s head sruck in a wall. I ran and dove into a pile of bones and shields to take a potion.
“Where is that potion? Come on. Where!” I thought searching for my potion of healing.
“Ha! There it is!”

I grabbed my potion of healing and took a swig. I heard the beast yell in rage “Where is he!”
I have to hurry. I peeked out my head, left clear, right an ugly beast. I knew the beast had seen me I said my last goodbyes and ran towards the beast.
The beast knocked me over with a huge amount of force and strength.

“You sure are stupid, aren't you Imperial? I am a werewolf and your heart is my next meal” said the beast before clawing into my heart and feasting on it.

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