A New Day | Teen Ink

A New Day

November 21, 2013
By Joey26 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Joey26 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The vortex tears through the city destroying everything in its path. People are screaming, desperately trying to escape the wrath of the wind. The speed and force of the wind leaves a devastating blow to the buildings around it and obliterates people by sending them flying into the air and slashing the people’s skin over and over again. The storm doesn’t let up. The drops of rain pouring down like bags of marbles thumping your skull. Everyone is running to the town hall. The sound of gunfire echoes off of the tall buildings. People are rioting, killing, stealing. Men and women shouting the end is near. A man comes near me, bloodlust riddling his cold grey eyes. He slams me to the ground trying to steal my backpack. I kick him in the stomach. He stumbles backward, but another man lunges at me with a baseball bat. The bat cracks, and I dive head first into the concrete. Blood rushes down my forehead as I try to reach for brick that came from the demolished buildings. The man makes another swing, but I dodge this one and smash the brick in his face. I broke his nose and he coughs up blood that runs down his mouth. The first guy that attacked me got up and threw his fist at me. He missed and hit a car window. Broken glass was all over his hand. There is an old rusty screwdriver covered by the the muddy rain. I grab it and warn the man to stay away from me. Blue lightning strikes a radio tower as it collapses towards us. The falling the debris splashes a tide of water at us. I fall back coughing up water and I drop the screwdriver. I hear the man screaming, rushing at me he jumps on top of me and starts choking me as he hits me with his free hand. The metal from his rings scrapes the skin of my head. I begin to blacken out as the barrages of punches bloodens my face. I notice the screwdriver I dropped. I try to reach for it, clawing the gravel to get my fingers closer to it. I grabbed it and clenched it into my hand. Waiting for an opportune moment I got my chance and stabbed him the chest and I push him off me. I hear him scream and cursing me as he tries to pull it out. I didn’t stick around to see what would happen. I ran as fast as I could covering my head from the rain that now felt like falling rocks. I head to the apartment to see if Angel is okay. I kick open the door and made my way to our room. I stopped and saw Mr. Pinkerton’s trusty companion Streak, a husky. The dog had a leash tied to the door knob. I knocked on the door to check and see if he was home. No answer. I untie Streak and take him with me. He barked in joy as I freed him. I open my door and yell for my sister Angel’s name. A bolt of light comes right at me. I collapse to the ground and see a pool of blood next to me. There’s screaming and and I hear Streak barking loudly. I can’t move. I look down to my chest and I notice a gunshot with a giant red smear of blood drenching my shirt. There is a little girl crying holding a gun in her hand. Tears run down her face. I notice her blonde hair and blue eyes, its Angel. She scrambles underneath the table, I see her hiding underneath the table and clenching her toy dinosaur in her arm. She cries and jumps out from the table and hugs me and says she so sorry over and over again.I told her everything would be okay. She helps me up and I struggle my way to the kitchen counter and we start to make our way outside. It’s not safe here, soon the storm will come.We make our way downstairs and run to town hall. When we got there, hundreds of people were sitting on the floors and praying to God. We lay down on an empty spot and wait for the storm to be over. A doctor came over to treat my wounds from the fight and the gunshot. Several hours past by and the storm is finally over. I see Angel sleeping soundly. Everyone is glad to be alive…...although, which was once a city home to thousands, now is a refuge to hundreds. The sun shines through the window. And a new day begins.

The author's comments:
This is a story about a young man looking for his little sister in a city that is filled with chaos. He overcomes a storm that is destroying the city and fighting off rioters.

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