Ender?s Game movie and book Review | Teen Ink

Ender?s Game movie and book Review

November 21, 2013
By Double-A-Negative BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
Double-A-Negative BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ender’s Game a movie and book both good and bad with its ups and downs. The book had many more scenes that weren’t in the movie. The book had made more sense than the movie because they explained everything in much detail. In the movie they just showed it and how they used it. The movie showed them using everything and not explaining everything a little for the people who haven’t read the book. The movie was confusing on some parts because they had too many scenes and they jumped around too much. Since I read the book it made more sense than someone who hasn’t read. The characters also confused me I thought Bean was the shortest but it was Bonzo. In the book Ender was six in the beginning and in the movie he looked like a nine year old instead of six. The battle room looked different to I thought it was a square not a sphere. I thought the room had rails and special walls to latch with special gloves. Instead it was see through and had no rails. The battles in the battle room were hard to picture through a story but the movie didn’t match the book during the scene. The movie made the battles seemed like lot of action and a lot was going on, but what was happening and how it was screened didn’t make sense. The movie battle was screened differently than the book. The book made it impossible to understand how they fought. The movie showed how they battled but the scenes are totally different. The mind game was the only thing thy got almost exactly alike. The only thing they missed was the overly excessive amount of dying and the time he played for. In the book he played for days and got farther than the movie. Within the movie it took him less than a day and didn’t get as far. The timing was also changed the movie went by so fast it felt like he destroyed the planet within a week. But in the book it was in a course of years. Ender got his army so fast first he was a launchie, next a salamander, next a commander of dragon army. He had no practices with his army in the movie, but he still won every fight. In the book he had many practices and before his first fight and took him a while to get to the top. Then he left for command school on Eros a wandering asteroid and it took him years in the book and days in the movie. When he arrived it looked deserted and wasted in the book and movie. The way they told it was different in the movie there was almost everyone he knew there and in the book it said he didn’t know anyone on the planet. They didn’t add into the movie his training simulator on the planet it only showed about two to three training sessions with his entire team. The book had multiple training sessions. Then it came down to the final test where they had to destroy the planet. They ended the same with him destroying the planet and him going to sleep. The movie went a little farther than the book and he found out the planet with the school looked like the mind game. He followed in the same way his avatar did but instead he found the queens egg and made a promise to her that he would find a planet suitable for living on for the new queen.

The book and the movie overall was good for me. They both had general concepts with each other and I would recommend it to people who have a lot of free time on their hands or just like to read science fiction novels or action novels well this is the right book for you. The book is good has a good plot. The only downside for me is it took to long to read. The movie is ok, but you won’t understand anything until you read the book because they don’t explain what everything does. My overall rating is 3/5 stars. I would suggest you watch and read this only if you have free time to spare.

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