Archie Smith Boy Wonder | Teen Ink

Archie Smith Boy Wonder

December 1, 2013
By Avery Katzman BRONZE, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Avery Katzman BRONZE, West Bloomfield, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A tiny voice asked, “Is he the one”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.”
At last, Archie slowly opened his eyes. He saw two shimmering lights, hovering just inside the window above his bed. They looked like little orbs of light, and inside the lights, he saw little flashes of whit light

“He’s awake.” The lights seemed to talking about him. Archie felt fear rise up in him. Even if it was a dream, as he suspected, it was extremely strange to be talked about in this way. He reached under the covers and pinched his arm. Nothing changed. “Boy, if you understand us, respond,” one of the lights demanded. Archie could not tell which one was talking. They both were flashing colors now. “See?” a light said. “He is not likely the one after all. The one we seek would understand us. We agreed on that.”

“I understand,” Archie said
The lights remained hovering above him now. Just behind them, through the open window, there were even more lights gathering. Archie could see the reflection of them on the trees. It was as if he were standing in a galaxy now, full of stars. And they were here, looking for him.
“Why do you want me? Why are you here? Who the heck are you, anyway”

He asked, in one breath so that all of his words came strung together into a single question.
“So it seems we have found the chosen one” One light said

“Yes we have” another light replied with glee “although we have very little time, it might be too much for the boy”

“What will you require of me?” Archie asked.
“What is it that you expect me to do?” The light outside Archie’s widow dimmed Archie could not believe he was talking to talking lights he pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming. All of a sudden all the lights sparkled into one big light all of the lights said together “we need you Archie Smith to save our world please you’re our only hope.”
Archie could not believe what he was hearing “I don’t understand” Archie said

All the orbs replied, “let us explain”
All the orbs started to tell Archie of an amazing race of creatures of creatures who could convert into energy and move through the universe faster than the speed of light. While their planet had a history of peace, there had emerged among them a society that wanted to take over the world. These outcasts had inadvertently invited predators from a nearby solar system who fed on the energy of light, and had now begun to devour the entire planet. Archie listened with awe on his face it took him a while just to comprehend that there was a different planet millions of light-years away from the planet of Earth.

Archie asked the orbs of light “why me?”

“What can I do I am just an average boy” One of the lights began to glow brighter. “Our planets oracle had a vision,” it said.

“The oracles vision led us here, to you. You are the One. You must be.”

The other light then explained, “There is an ancient story that
Tells of our planet in difficult times, and how a boy from Earth will save us in our time of need” We want you to come with us before it’s too late”

“Now how am I gonna get to your planet” said Archie with a cocky attitude
“Don’t worry we got that covered” the orbs of light combined and shot a light beam right at Archie’s stomach, Archie began to panic because he was traveling at the speed of light and could not do anything he felt helpless. When Archie arrived at the distant planet he saw houses and buildings destroyed and a big container full of these orbs that helped Archie get to the planet. Then he saw them. The creatures that want to destroy everything in site. Archie did not know what to do so he hid inside an empty futuristic car. As the strange creatures were looking for any helpless victims in site to contain inside their container. Archie didn’t know what to do he was an average human. He had no powers, so Archie thought. Being on a different planet made Archie have the power of super strength and the power to fly just like the super hero Superman. Archie flew up into the air at the speed of light and punched one of the strange creatures straight up into the air and then punched a second into the side of a wall. Archie show these creatures no mercy. Archie flew full speed into the container containing all the orbs but little did Archie know the Container was laced with a special metal called Archielite. Archie did not know what to do the more Archie stalled the more the strange vicious creatures started to surround Archie so Archie picked up one of these strange vicious creatures and threw him right at the container. The initial impact of the throw cracked the part of the container. The creatures were smarter than Archie thought because then the creature repaired the container just as fast as Archie broke it. The creature’s leader then came out. He was a short ugly looking alien wearing a purple cape and a huge gold plated crown. “What are you doing, you are ruining our plan to dominate the world?” Said the creatures leader

Archie said “I am here to put an end to your evil plans please let those light orbs go”
The creature’s leader replied, “I will do no suck thing do you know what they have done to my people. They locked s away in a deep dark abyss, we could see nothing but darkness, the only thing we could eat was each other. Now that we are out of the abyss we are here to take what’s rightfully ours and rule the world”

Archie knew what must be done. Archie saw there was a spaceship nearby so he distracted the creature’s leader then flew so fast that he hit the leader and all the creatures inside the spaceship. After he set the coordinates twenty seven million light-years away. Never to be seen again. Archie still had to get the orbs our of the container. So he picked up a big sphere and javelined it right into the container. The force of the sphere hit the container so hard that it slowly cracked and boom. The container exploded. Where glass went all over the place and out came all the light orbs. After the orbs beamed Archie back into his bed and sent a beam into his head to erase his memory of the events that just took place. The next morning when Archie woke up he saw a light orb and said, “What happened last night.”

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