There's a Problem On My Planet | Teen Ink

There's a Problem On My Planet

December 1, 2013
By Anonymous

“There’s a problem on my planet”

Day 1 1800

Hello my name is Blacke. I am 5 years old. You see, I live on a planet alone. I used to live with my brother, Freddy, but he left on a comet a while ago.

My planet is not that big. You could walk around it in about 10 hours. On one half it is snowy and on the other half it is sunny. I like the cold so I live on the cold part of the planet when the planet shifts once a year. There is a big lake on the top half of the planet surrounded by a few small mountains. I have a sun that is really cool because it is big and blue. There are a few wild animals that roam around that you can eat, but I prefer the vegetables from my garden. I spend my spare time wood carving and working on my tree house in the mountains. I also like fishing in my lake. My planet doesn’t have a name I guess it has never needed one.
I am writing to you because I’m bored and I want people who find my planet later to know about me and what I do. I guess that’s all for today.
Day 2 1800

Today I woke up and went to go tend to my vegetable garden, but as I was watering my tomato plant I saw a flash of light in the sky and a few seconds later a meteor crashed into my planet. I left quickly dropping my watering can and rushing to where it hit. Once about a minute had passed a shockwave from the impact hit me and I fell over onto the ground. I got up and checked my wounds. I was lucky and had only a skinned knee and elbow.

I brushed myself off and kept going. When I got there a veil of mist covered the area (I have to admit that I was scared). All of the sudden I heard a roar and saw a huge green dinosaur/dragon (dinodragon). The dinodragon breathed fire into the sky and I ran away screaming.

When the dinodragon chased after me he was so big he made earthquakes with his steps.

I managed to outrun him to get to my log cabin in the mountains. I pulled my grenade launcher out of my shed and turned to fire it at him. When he saw what I was going to do he stopped and yelled.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, it’s me, Freddy.”

“Freddy, my brother?”

“Yes, after I left I changed into a dinodragon and have come back”

I ran to my brother and hugged him. When I looked back at him after we hugged he had changed to his old self again. He explained to me that he had been cursed by an alien and that the only way to reverse the cure of being a dinodragon he must hug his brother.

We went inside and told stories of what happened when the other was gone. We soon fell asleep and went to bed. I woke up later at night and wrote this down.

Day 3 1600

We lived happily ever after.

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