She Got Out of The Car | Teen Ink

She Got Out of The Car

December 3, 2013
By tyler leyva BRONZE, West Fork, Arkansas
tyler leyva BRONZE, West Fork, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She got out of the car and thought about the many other times and places she has done this simple task. ‘Boom’ the sound of the passenger side door slamming shut behind her brings her back to reality. They parked right across the street from the pentagon. The store on their side of the street is extremely familiar to the couple; they sat there and planned the whole op. while drinking the rather weak coffee they served.
The man to her right, Seth Burrows, stands at six foot flat, brown hair, and blue eyes, a rather uncommon combination to say the least. The well-toned muscles in his biceps show he has been in many prisons that couldn’t, obviously, hold him. He has been in the pen for robbery, impersonation and many other crimes all only being in there once for each crime. He is a master of many trades, the creation of the ID cards to get into the target being just one.
They rush across the road to the sidewalk leading up to the front door. They step in and hear the ‘chink’, ‘click’, and distinct rustle of clothing ruffling as ten men in full tactical train their M4 carbines on the couple. Having planned this for three whole months the couple doesn’t panic. They run their hands down their body removing the metal objects on their person as they go. Afterwards they step through the metal detector with a loud ‘beep’ and a flash of green light to show the all clear the soldiers return to attention at their post. As the conveyer belt moves along with their items a reedy little man hustles around the counter. He first holds his hand out to the woman, Sydney O’Hara, who is 4 foot 8 inches and has red hair, complemented by her green eyes, and a gymnasts body. As she pulls the laminated card from her left breast she flips her long flowing locks to the right. The reedy man from the counter whips out a scanner from his belt and rapidly scans her ID badge. After the man is checked in a similar fashion and both are cleared, they walk down the halls trying unsuccessfully to find the right door.
They have made lefts, rights, and even taken elevators but still can’t find the door. After being sufficiently lost they knock on the nearest door and a thin wisp of a man that’s smells of day old French fires runs his hand through his greasy hair stepping out of his tiny office. Sighing he says “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” slightly startled by the sudden outburst Seth yanks the man head to the right and a vicious crack resonates down the hall. Seth leans over and says to Sydney “I guess you didn’t plan enough.”
Sydney in reply says “will you shut your mouth? This is the pentagon after all I can’t know everything.
Seth with a grimace “no I suppose not but he was rude.”
With a raised eye brow she squats down to make sure the man is dead. As if on cue she stands up and the each take an arm and haul him back into the 6x6 office. As they look around they see a bank of computers. Sydney plops down into the recently vacated rolling chair. She squints at the type on the computer and quickly hacks into the mainframe to find exactly where the door is. As Sydney and Seth leave the office pulling the door shut tight behind them they hear ‘click click click’ as they turn towards the sound they see a young woman in a black striped pant suit. They nervously look at each other and stroll towards the woman. The gives them a distracted smile a slight wave and continues on down the hall way. They continue down the hall way and proceed into an elevator that will lead them to the right hall way. They arrive at the door and give each other an anxious but exited look. She steps forward and slowly turns the door handle it squeaking the whole time. As the door swings open a crowd of scared and confused Orientals turn to look into the new light. She sighs and looks at her partner; this is what they have been looking for. They step in and in perfect Korean Sydney recites the speech she has been practicing “Everything is all right now, we are here to help. If all of you would please line up along the hall way” as she is talking she is making simple hand gestures to help them calm down. There is a slight shuffle as a young boy of eight steps out and goes to comply. A young mother rushes out to get her child and realizes she is in front of the whole group so with the deer in the headlights look in place she takes her child and starts the line in the hallway. At this spectacular show of courage the rest of the group moves forward as one and lines up along the hallway. Sydney and Seth look left and right and can’t see the end of the line. Sydney gestures for Seth to go to one end of the line and give an examination of those unfortunate soles. Sydney goes to the other end and when they meet in the middle Seth grunts “are you ready?” the ever annoyed Sydney rolls her eyes “ok start your line towards the exit and I’ll go to the back and start them moving and explain as I go.” Seth marches to the front giving the follow me signal. To everyone’s surprise they do not get interrupted until the front exit. The guards at seeing the long line of foreigners rush forward and train their guns on the leaders head. The red laser light attached to the rifle describing a little circle in the middle of Seth’s forehead. In the space of a quarter second the nearest man is on the floor groaning and Seth has a new M4 carbine in his hands. The other guards surprised at the suddenness of the attack just stand there frozen to the spot. The first few Koreans step forward and rip the rifles from the other nine guard’s hands. The reedy man that was mentioned before comes out to see what the commotion is about. Struck dumb by the scene unfolded before him he rushes back to his office to sound the alarm. He never reaches it. The sound of a silenced pistol stops him in his tracks he turns around and there is the beautiful Sydney O’Hara with a smoking barrel protruding from her hand. As the new group leaves the building no one notices. I suppose due to their obvious infatuation with themselves. As they are walking to the road a baby blue bus pulls up and a man obviously there to help leads the new comers on to the bus. He jumps back onto the bus and peels out heading to the drop off. With Seth and Sydney close behind they arrive at the small town where the family of all the Koreans are waiting. The newly released aliens rush to the grip of the wanted love that they have been missing. When the crown vic pulls on to the main road a man in a business suit steps out with a brief case. Handing it to the new arrival of Seth and Sydney he says “thank you my people and I will never forget the kindness you have shown us today.” With a bright flashy smile Sydney assures him “we did it for the money which this should be the other half of.”
“I assure you it is all there I pulled it from the local bank just an hour ago.”
“Good then you won’t mind me counting it right now.”
“No please go ahead I can see how you would new to check after all it is just a business deal.”
“You, saying that just assured me that it is all there. I hope we can to business again someday. Hopefully on better circumstances.”
“It is my fondest wish that we will too.”
Seth and Sydney jump back into the car and drive off down the road to unknown adventures.

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