A roughhouse in the schoolhouse | Teen Ink

A roughhouse in the schoolhouse

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

The classroom was so silent, everyone was doing their short story projects. The music Ms. Housefield was playing was so peaceful. As I stood up to go to her desk, the windows and a blast of wind hit my face. As I fell on the ground I could feel the pieces of glass hit my face and I blacked out.

“Robert, Robert!” said a voice.
As I opened my eyes Peter was standing over me screaming my name. When I stood up and looked around the whole classroom was destroyed. Books were scattered, the desk were broken, and students were all over the floor, and the weirdest thing, the other classrooms were standing.

“What happened in here?” I asked.
“ We think a tornado came.” Peter said
“I don’t think so because its 2013 in Tampa, Florida and the chances of a tornado is the chance of the Bucs winning the Superbowl this year.” I answered.
“Wait,” Ellie said, “Where is Justin?”
Maria answered, “ He left the classroom before the ‘tornado’ and said ‘I will get my revenge’”

Everyone started to yell at once. Screaming and shouting at once we shared our ideas on how this disaster occurred.
“Stop!” yelled Joanne.

Which was surprising because, unless called on, NEVER spoke.

“Maybe, Justin has a secret that we don’t know about,” she said.
When Joanne finished her sentence she disappeared. It wasn’t even a little poof. A flaming ball of fire, a loud pop, and amazingly the ground shook to take Joanne out of thin air. Like an earthquake’s aftershock, a blast of wind flowed around the room as out of the corner of my eye I saw a person in the air. When I was able to get a better look I realized, it was Justin!

Section 2

“As Joanne stated correctly, I do have a secret and I will use it to take revenge on all of you. I will let all you present your best talent and if I like it I will let you live and battle against me, but if I don’t like it I will put you in this box.” Justin said. “when it fills up with enough people it will explode and kill everyone in it. So let’s see what you’ve got.”

The first person to go was Sofia. She said she was good at tennis. With a swipe of his hand Justin made a tennis court. She faced Justin in tennis and sadly she lost. She disappeared the same way Joanne did. I was next. I said I would play the drums. An awesome drum set appeared. I played as best I could and even I have to admit it was pretty good. When I finished Justin said I was worthy to live.

Diamond was the next person to go and she said she would sing. A microphone appeared. She sang and Justin was brought to tears. Justin let her live. During what seemed like an hour, people stayed and others vanished into the box. The people who were left were Adam, Peter, Star, Maria, Christopher, and me. Immediately Star, Maria, and Christopher were eliminated. We fought like never before. Adam shot fireballs from his hands, Peter drew water from the sea, and Andrew threw powerful winds at Justin. I settled to an inside job and stabbed Justin with my sword, and all of us were effective but we could not defeat Justin. Then a flash of lightning hit Justin and he screamed. We turned around and found our old friend Carson.

Section 3
“ Move out of the way friends, it is time to put this evil to an end” he said.

Carson and Justin went back and forth and weren’t going to give up. Carson called lightning like a mad man and weakened Justin with every shot. We stood on the side doing we could to help Carson but our hits were like a small bug in Justin’s way. Then as Justin was preparing his final move Carson hit Justin with so much lightning Carson got weak and fainted. Justin was dead but our friend Carson was injured. When Carson woke up we already had gotten all of our friends out of the box.

“Carson, dude where did you come from?” I asked.

“Well, there was a funnel cloud in the air and I knew it was Justin because we have had prior battles.”

All of a sudden Carson’s eyes turned green and he said Robert over and over until I woke up and found Ms. Housefield saying my name and trying to wake me up.

“Robert you are going to go to the office for sleeping in class,” she said.

Dawson laughed and Ms. Housefield sent him to the office.

“I don’t like this class and I will get back at you guys!” he said.
Dawson got up and ran out of the room. Oh gosh its déjà vu I thought.

The author's comments:
This is a short story piece

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