The Mystical Writer EXTENDED PREVIEW | Teen Ink

The Mystical Writer EXTENDED PREVIEW

December 17, 2013
By Misterepicman1337 SILVER, Rockford, Michigan
Misterepicman1337 SILVER, Rockford, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a pretty shy guy at first, but once you get to know me, get ready for some crazy-"
-Me, Comicon, 2013.

Its late at night, and your trying to write the 3rd chapter to your book. your a published author, and you've promised ten chapters by this coming Friday. its currently Tuesday, and you and believe your publisher could want ten chapters in 3 days. not to mention the fact that this was about the worst day of your life. The theme of your book is like characters from a fantasy, a medieval, and a murder mystery-Sherlock Holmes type thing coming together and escaping from... Somewhere.
You here a rapid knock on the door. you know you should answer it, but you just had an idea.
(2) Answer the door or
(3) Tell them you will be there in a minute and finish your sentence?

"Be there in a second!" You yell, Stopping in the middle of a sentence. you make a wild dash to the door, and the door doesn't open so much as explode from the force of the knocking. "OPEN U- Thank GOD its you!" Its your good friend, Eli. "Why so worried, Eli?" "Haven't you heard the news?!? This- this flying THING is attacking central park! Its Scaly and green, and looks kind of like- oh god im crazy- a DRAGON!" Probably just another one of his pranks. "Not gonna fool me this time, Eli." He pulled a prank like this on you last week and hes been trying to again ever since. "I'm serious! Turn on the TV!"
(4) Turn on the TV and play along or
(5) Just say that we should go to central park ourselves?

"Uh, Fine." You sigh. You walk over to the end table in front of the couch, where the remote was sitting and grab the remote. Eli looks like hes having a spaz attack! as you turn on the TV. Sure as sure, the news is on and talking about puppies being rescued from a burning building. "Wait for it..." Eli said. he looks like a complete lunatic. Oh wait, the TVs back... And your friend Sarah is on. Shes a news person, but she might be making a fake to prank you. "We have just received word of Something at central park... a scaly, green creature... Flying... we will be receiving more information shortly... Oh lawd jeesu-!!!-" The cameras cut out in a wave of static. You turn the TV off. "Nice try, Eli. Howd you get the TV to do that?" "I DIDN'T!" Eli roared. you sigh and you grab your notebook.

"Just lemme finish this sentence!" you yell. you glance over at the window, thinking how your going to finish this chapter. you then see a flash of Emerald green swoosh by the Window. Aha! You can have the dragon try to save the village! They will mistake him for, uh, The sorcerers evil- KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!! You think you catch a glimpse of something in the window, but the knocking has gotten so intense you can barley think.
(8) Go Investigate the window OR
(2) Answer the door?

You choose to ignore the knocking and take a look at the window. you see that your flowerpots are... Scorched. Burned to a crisp. Youre about to open the window when you hear the knocking Get much, MUCH louder.
(9) Investigate the flowerpots further OR

(12) Go check on the knocking?

You choose to investigate the flowerpots. they look as though they have been dipped in lava... Oh, LAVA! That gives you a great idea! you dash over ,grab your notebook and begin writing. so the dragon can spit lava... you see another wave of emerald green. Almost immediately afterwards, the knocking just stops and you hear a deep rumbling sound.
Go have a look at the green flash,
Go check on the knocking, OR
continue writing???

Your about to open the door when it bursts open in your face. You see your good friend, Eli! "Things are NOT normal!!!" Eli screams. "Tell me about it," you say. "Someone set fire to my flowers." Eli looks dazed for a second and then remembers what he was so desperate about. "NOTIMETHERESADRAGONINCENTRALPARK!" "Wait, WHAT?" you ask. "NO TIME!! HURRY!!!"

The author's comments:
You guys liked my other preview, so I'm posting an extended one. This story is taking a lot of time out of my day, and seeing that my other preview Got an editors choice (Thanks, By The Way) Made me want to write more. its not quite finished, so hold on tight. Thanks, MisterEpicMan1337

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jan. 9 2014 at 9:21 am
Misterepicman1337 SILVER, Rockford, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a pretty shy guy at first, but once you get to know me, get ready for some crazy-"
-Me, Comicon, 2013.

Supposed to be an Reply to MistyVentures fcomment. Sorry!

on Jan. 9 2014 at 9:20 am
Misterepicman1337 SILVER, Rockford, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a pretty shy guy at first, but once you get to know me, get ready for some crazy-"
-Me, Comicon, 2013.

Thanks! Im still working on it, Though there are around 60 choices already. Im also working on a variety of other titles, one of which is called the seven stones. I Should post a preview when I get around to it. Not all of the endings are good, either. Theres one where You get Crispened by a dragon! Anyways, I hope my full book (Or at least a part of it) Gets put in the magizine. At least one person apreciates this type of work!

on Dec. 23 2013 at 2:46 pm
MistyVenture GOLD, Newman Lake, Washington
17 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you’re going to be a writer, the first essential is just to write. Do not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow.” —Louis L’Amour

Interesting set up. Its no wonder you got an editor's choice on the other one. Hey I got a question, this is kind of like that movie, Stranger Than Fiction, right? The one where the writer is writing and whatever she is writing is actually happening, her character is real, and she doesn't realize it. I think that might apply here. I've always been interested in that subject. Good work!