Scarlet Coven: Kitty Kat Part 1 | Teen Ink

Scarlet Coven: Kitty Kat Part 1

January 4, 2014
By Griffin SILVER, San Bernadino, California
Griffin SILVER, San Bernadino, California
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm sorry to be the one to inform you, but your child is on crack."

He was her lover at first. Ali was her lover in death. Kat and Ali only realized their own love for each other after falling in love with the same boy. Kat and Ali were young virgins who were discovering magic together in Junior High when they met this boy. Kat decided she wanted her first spell to be a love spell. Ali agreed to help her.

The two sat together in in a dark room surrounded by mystical items, books, and candles. They devotedly collected the necessary items, such as a lock of the boy’s hair, and the tear of an Celtic boar. They then effectively cast the spell together. However, it inadvertently worked better than Kat could hope. Not only did the boy fall in love with her, but Ali did as well, and with the boy. Ali swallowed her feelings for a year, but seeing Kat and the boy in bliss drove her to the edge. Ali decided to cast her own dark love spell, which included sacrificing the boy. Ali was cutting her own hair short when she came up with the idea of the poison.

Kat was told that her lover went missing and when Ali comforted her, the dark spell took effect. Ali and Kat lived happily all summer until a female astronomer named Arial visited Kat. The young woman told Kat all about Ali’s spell and the true nature of the boy’s disappearance. She told Kat that they must confront Ali and stop her before she leads a lovesick murderous future.

Simultaneously, Lauren, a young female wizard student had foreseen Ali commit a murder-suicide in a vision. While studying divination in class, the vision came to the optimistic Lauren. She was bewildered when the vision came to her, but she had to do her best to stop it.

Kat was ready to confront Ali, with the support of Arial. On their way to confront Ali, however, Lauren found them. She was short of breath, but still grateful to have found them. Lauren told the two girls all about her vision, and also informed them that she had warned Ali the previous day about their upcoming confrontation. Arial was not happy to hear this. Lauren then informed Kat and Arial about a second premonition.

Earlier in the day, Lauren had foreseen the confrontation. Ali would end poisoning Kat and Arial and then herself. Immediately, Lauren ditched wizard school as swiftly as possible. Upon hearing this Arial became afraid instantly; she apologized to Kat and then ran away.

Kat looked to Lauren for guidance. Kat informed Lauren that she no longer wished to love Ali. Kat only wished for revenge. Vengeance for the boy she loved, vengeance for Ali’s betrayal, and vengeance for her own death in a parallel or possible future. Lauren did not like the words Kat spoke, but she knew she must help her.

The author's comments:
Our intro to Kat in the Scarlet Coven series


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