facing a fear | Teen Ink

facing a fear

January 9, 2014
By Anonymous

Hi, my name is Naxhiely and yes my name is spelled weird but I don’t know what to do about it .I’m 16 years old, my birthday is on March 22, 1997. I came to the United States when I was only 1 year old. When I started school I was only 5 years old I didn’t know any English just Spanish because that’s all I heard and learned as I was growing up at my house. No one knew English but my brother but he wasn’t a great help because he would always be busy. My mother would always be number one; she would always try her hardest to help me understand my homework. And then we had to move , my parents told me “Hija vas a tener que cambier eschulas “( Your going to have to change schools) and I always hated to start something new I was always to scared to have to try or do something new. My biggest fear was to start something new. 6 Years ago today l I started a new school Called Everson Elementary, But like every normal kid I was scared to and start a new school because I already got use to all the students and the teachers and the class I had the desk I sat on and the students who sat by me. There was nothing I could do I couldn’t change my parents minds so it was time to face my fear.
It was the first day of school at Everson Elementary school and I had to wake up early that morning to get ready to start school. I woke up to early because I was very nervous and scared to start a new school. It was exactly 6:00 am and school didn’t start until 9:45 am I tried to fall back asleep but I couldn’t I just kept tossing and turning. My mind was going crazy all that went through my mind was negative thoughts none where positive. The clock strike 8:10 am I got out of my bed and I started to get ready for school. I Brushed my Hair But on my “school clothes” my shoes && brushed my teeth, when I finished I waited for my sister to get done getting ready I sat on the couch very nervous. I stared at the clock watching it move and I knew that in a couple minutes I was going start a new school. My mother felt my fear and she came up to me and gave me a big tight hug and a kiss on the forehead and said “todo va estar bien hija te lo prometo”( everything will be okay I promise) I trusted my mom words because well, she my mom there isn’t a reason why she would lie to me. I took her advice and I Went to school. My brother had drove my little sister and I but once I got of the car I knew it wasn’t my old school but, it was a new school i started to think about all the negative thoughts I had before. As my brother walk us in my eyes got so watery like an ocean and once we entered my watery eyes became a water fall I was scared I did want to let go of my brothers hand . My 5th grade teacher saw me crying she carefully went up to me and grab my hand and asked me my name, I slowly looked up and said “Naxhiely You spell it like this N-A-X-H-I-E-L-Y “ The teacher just giggled. I felt way better after I meant my teacher she walk me to the class and she introduced me to the whole class I was a little shy though. I looked around at all the students and I saw one friend that I had know for a long time so the teacher sat me by her. After a long day of learning I went home on the bus really happy that I had made new friends at my new school. Once I got off the bus I went running home and my mom was waiting for me at the door steps with a big smile on her face. I had told her everything that happened my first day at school. My mother just looked at me and smiled and said “You’re a brave little girl”.
Doing something new is always a good way to meet new people never be afraid to do something new because at the end I grantee you that you will not regret what you did.

The author's comments:
Faceing a fear will lead you to good things that you never knew about your self

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This article has 1 comment.

loida said...
on Jan. 15 2014 at 5:01 pm
Beautifully written with picturesque descriptions. I can feel the emotion of the little girl in the story. Keep on writing! I want to read more! Be sure to have a second proof reader to correct the convention errors. Thank you for submitting this story. I'll be watching for more from you.