The Alphabet Zoo | Teen Ink

The Alphabet Zoo

January 15, 2014
By mdoriot BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
mdoriot BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is a tale of a girl named Nellie. She is seven years old, and her and her dad own the Alphabet Zoo. The Alphabet Zoo is in a city outside of Little Rock, Arkansas. The Alphabet Zoo has animals for every single letter of the Alphabet. She has a secret power that no one knew about besides her and her dad. She has the amazing power that allows her to be able communicate with animals. This is why Nellie loves living and working at the zoo. The animals are like family to her. Before the story goes on, I must first introduce you to all of the animals that live here at the zoo.

Well, there is no better place to start than at the beginning of the Alphabet with A. This wing of the zoo is home to Andy the Ant Eater, Amy the Alpaca, Arnold the Alligator, and Amelia the Armadillo. They all have a great sense of humor, and are always telling jokes and laughing so hard that there bellies hurt.

Next comes the next section of the zoo. If you walk about fifteen steps passed the letter A section, you will see where the animals that start with the letter B stay. Benny the Bull, Betty the Beaver, Beverly the Badger, Bart the Baboon, and Beatrice the Buffalo.

Now if you travel through the tunnel you will make you to the C wing of the zoo. This is home to Cece the Camel, Chuckie the Cow, Ceasar the Chimpanzee, Clementine Chipmunk, Connie Crocodile, Calvin the Crab, Casper the Cobra,Chester the Chameleon, Caroline the Caribou, and Clarence the Cheetah. This group of animals is the largest group of animals that live together.

Next stop is the area starting with the letter D. There are only two animals that start with the letter D, and they are sisters. They live in water, preferably salt water, but they are still mammals. Can you guess what they are? Dolphins. You were right. This is Daisy and Daffney. They love to swim, and do funny tricks for the visitors.

E comes next, and in this branch of the zoo you will also meet some animals that live in water, but there are also some that live on land too. Eddy the Eel, Evelyn the Elephant, and Emma the Elk. Evelyn the Elephant is the oldest member at the zoo. At night when all the visitors have left, all of the animals and even Nellie and her dad, gather around her home and listen to her tell adventurous bedtime stories.
Right across from the E section, is where the animals that start with F stay. This is Fiona the Flamingo, Felix the Frog, and Franklin the Fox.
Next is the area where the G animals live. There is Gina the Giraffe and Gary the Gorilla. Gina and Gary like to play checkers and drink pink lemonade.
Then there is the H family of animals. This is where Harold the Hippo, Heather Hyena, and Hank the Hummingbird live.
The next branch of animals is a combination of the letter I and J. Ida the Iguana lives with Jimmy Jackrabbit and Jessica Jaguar. Jessica likes to lay in the sun with Ida, but Jimmy loves to sing and dance.
Following the section of I and J, comes the K wing. There lives Kitty the Kangaroo, Kevin Koala, and Katrina the Komodo Dragon.
Lewis Lion, Leo Lemur, and Lance the Leopard live the in the L range of the zoo, and they absolutely love to read books and play tag with each other. Leo is usually the winner because he is speedy quick.

Then there is the M section which is home to Maisy the Moose, Marty the Manatee, and Maxine the Meerkat. They are the trouble makers of the zoo. They are always making messes and pulling pranks on the other animals.

Next is the N and O section of animals. Norman the Newt, shares a home with Oscar the Orangutan, and Osha the Ostrich.
Right next door lives Peter Pelican, Penelope the Pig, and Prescott the Peacock. Their favorite thing to do is look at the stars at night and look at the clouds in the big blue sky during the day.

Next if the Q, R, and S area of animals. They all live together because they get along so well. Quincy the Quail lives there along with Rufus the Rhino, Sherman the Sloth, and Stanley the Seal. Rufus and Sherman love performing magic tricks, and Stanley and Quincy like to garden.
Timmy Toucan, Tracy Tiger, and Theodore the Tortoise make up the T section, and they live right across from the Q, R, and S, area of the zoo.

The final area of the zoo belongs to the animals starting with the letters U, V, W, X, Y, and Z. Ursula the Uguisu is one member of this section, and this is bird that came all the way from Japan to live here. Violet the Vulture also lives there with Wendy the Walrus, Walt the Warthog and Xavier the Xray Tetra fish. Also Yolanda the Yak, and Zippy the Zebra help to make this area complete.

The animals that live at the Alphabet Zoo make up one big unique family, and they all get along great now, but it was not like that at first. All of the animals are very different from each other, so it took some time before all of the animals got along with each other. The section of the zoo that had the hardest time settling in with each other was the C section.

Cece the Camel, Chuckie the Cow, Ceasar the Chimpanzee, and Chester the Chameleon, Clementine Chipmunk, Connie Crocodile, Calvin the Crab, Casper the Cobra, Caroline the Caribou, and Clarence the Cheetah did not like each other at first, but they bonded and love each other like a family now. Each animal was used to their own routines, and the way that they do certain things. They did not like that they all looked completely different from eachother. Caroline always accidently stepping on Calvin because he is so little. Clarence being absolutely terrified of Casper the Cobra, and Ceasar always accusing Connie of making mean and scary faces at him. All of these things created constant fighting between the animals, and it made Clementine Chipmunk very upset. She did not like that everyone was being so mean to one another; she just wanted everybody to get along, and act like a family. One day, the fighting and arguments became too much for Clementine to handle so she decided to run away. She left the zoo, and took an adventure through the streets of Little Rock, Arkansas. She figured that with all of the fighting, none of the animals would even notice that she was gone. She decided to try and find a new family where everyone got along. As the day came closer and closer to an end, Clementine just wanted to go back to the zoo, but she had gotten lost and had no idea where she was at. She arrived at a little river in a forest, and decided to stay there for the night. Back at the zoo, all of the animals in the C wing were still fighting with each other until Nellie came to say goodnight to everyone. Just as she was about to head to the next living area, she noticed something was wrong. She quickly counted the animals and noticed that Clementine was missing.

“Where is Clementine?” cried Nellie.

The other animals did not have an answer for Nellie, they did not even notice she was gone until now.

“Oh no, poor Clementine, all of our fighting must have made her so sad” sadly said Caroline the Caribou.

“Now we have to find her. Lets all just try to get along, and quit fighting, so we can find little Clementine” declared Ceasar.

They animals left with Nellie and searched for hours yelling Clementine’s name into the dark night. They were losing hope fast, but this made them become closer. They were there for each other like a family. The comforted one another through the search process.

Poor Clementine was scared. Her biggest fear was of the dark. She always sleeps with a nightlight on. She had absolutely no idea where she was at. All she could see was giant trees with rough scratchy bark. The trees stood there in the dark tall like giraffes, and there branches danced in the wind. The stillness of the pond soothed her. She was cold like a freezer burnt Popsicle. She just wanted to go home. She missed her family, even if they did fight all the time.

“I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home” cried out Clementine into the dark, frightening night.

Meanwhile, the animals were still on their quest to find Clementine. They were running out of time. Nellie and the animals quickly became stressed. I thought Nellie was going to erupt like a Volcano because she was so stressed and scared.

“We have to find her, we just have to” desperately whispered Nellie.

“We will, we are her family!” exclaimed Chester the Chameleon.

Clementine! Cleemmmmentiiiiiiiine! Where are you Clementine?” screamed Cece.

“Cece? Is that really you?” screamed Clementine.

“Oh look! Coming out of the woods. I see her little shadow. That is Clementine!” exclaimed Clarence.

They all ran to greet her with joyous hugs. They were so worried about her, and the goal of finding her brought them together like a family. After this long and scary journey, the C animals always looked out for one another and got along. They never fought with each other; they really cared about one another. This shows that just because someone is looks different that you, or talks different than you, or likes different stuff than you does not make them a bad person; you should still be nice to them because everyone is unique in their own special way.

The author's comments:
This is a short story I wrote with the intended audience of children! Hope you enjoy reading it!

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