Stolen Fame | Teen Ink

Stolen Fame

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

As Jordan sat back in the pocket with the football in his right hand, he could see that his teammate was open in the end zone, but Jordan wanted to be the hero. He raced past the defenders trying to knock him down, and he dove into the open end zone at South Hill High School in Boston, Massachusetts. North Boston High School won the game! The team celebrated, all except for the wide receiver. He knew he was open, but he did not want to ruin the celebration on the field.

Jordan was eighteen years old, 6’5” and very strong. He is the most athletic person in the school. However, he is very arrogant and overconfident.

“I am here with the star of this exciting game, Jordan Michaels,” the interviewer shouted. “Jordan, how amazing does it feel to win this one for North Boston?”

“Well, on the final play, I knew we would win. The defense was not set up well,” Jordan said arrogantly.

“Which sport is your favorite, since you are the quarterback for the football team, the starting point guard for basketball, and the main pitcher in baseball?”

“I do not have a favorite, since I am good at all three,” Jordan announced.

“How exciting is it that you won a game at this wonderful field in the same way that Joe Montana did years ago?” The interviewer questioned.

“It feels amazing. He is one of my favorite sports legends.”

“Jordan Michaels, everybody. Now, onto other sports news with Chuck in the studio,” the interviewer pronounced to the camera screen. “Thanks for doing this interviewer, Jordan. I’m sure we will not see the last of you on this channel. Good luck the rest of the year.”

The wide receiver watched from afar, full of envy and disgust. He knew that he should be the one talking to the reporter. He knew that he should be the star of the game. As the unknown wide receiver, number 21, was thinking about the game. Jordan silently walked up to him.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t pass to you. I saw you open, but I wanted to be sure that we won. Next time, I’ll pass to you, Calvin,” Jordan apologized.

“That’s alright. Getting the touchdown was what matters,” Calvin lied.

However, Calvin was still furious with Jordan. He then rushed home before he could be confronted about the game.

Calvin is a timid seventeen-year-old kid that has a dark family history. He is very athletic, but does not have many friends.

As Calvin was walking through the city streets that were in a hurry like a child late for school, he spotted an old abandoned house that was as dark as the night. He had heard the stories about this house. Some said that homeless people live in it. Others said it was haunted by the former owners. Few said that an evil creature lurks in the depths of the creaky home. This gave Calvin a very devious idea.

Meanwhile, Jordan was at home with his parents. Jordan’s father is a former NBA star, and his mother was a college basketball player for Connecticut.

“That was a great game tonight, son. Calvin was open in the end zone, though. You should have passed,” Jordan’s father said. Jordan’s father is a tall and strong man. He is fifty years old, and he still plays basketball on a town team.

“Yeah, I know. I saw him open, but I thought the run was a better option.”

“Hopefully, Calvin does not have any hard feelings. He is a … disturbed child,” Jordan’s dad thought to himself.

Calvin’s mother died in a car accident when he was five years old. Calvin was in the car with her, and he watched her die in front of him. His father has been an alcoholic since the accident.

As Jordan was lying in bed, he got a text message from Calvin.

“Hey Jordan, I wanted to invite you and a few other guys to a party tomorrow night. The address is 656 Dark Avenue. Hope you can make it.”

The next night, Jordan, his teammates Adrian, Jared, and Tony went to the address listed in the message Calvin sent them after visiting the great Fenway Park. When they saw the house, they all became very suspicious. However, Calvin appeared at the house’s front door moments later.

“Welcome guys. I hope you like the house. It doesn’t look the best, but it is really nice inside. Everyone else should show up pretty quickly. Come inside, I’ll show you around,” Calvin said, with an odd tone in his voice. Jordan could tell he sounded differently, but he just let it go. When they were in the house, Calvin vanished. The house was very dark, with boards broken on the floor, and the roof was at least thirty feet above their heads. There were doors on each side of the hall.

Adrian exclaimed, “Where did he go?” Then, an ear splitting shriek echoed through the house. They then heard Calvin screaming deeper in the house.

“We have to go find him,” Jared nervously mumbled. They ran through the creaky house until they reached the room that they thought Calvin was in. When they turned to the door they just went through, Tony was gone.
“Tony!” Jordan yelled. “Where did you go? Stop trying to scare us!”
Now they were sprinting to every room in the upper floor of the house, trying to find their lost friend. As they were running, they could sometimes hear faint laughing coming from an unknown location. Wherever they went, they could not find Tony. Finally, they gave up on him and wanted to leave the house immediately. However, Jordan still had hope.

“Let’s get out of here. This place is really creeping me out,” Adrian exclaimed.

“We can’t leave him. We can’t lose hope. He wouldn’t give up on us if we were in here. We also have to find who is doing this to us. We can’t give up,” Jordan enthusiastically yelled, as if he was in the huddle during a football game that he was losing in. The others finally agreed, and they went on searching for Tony.

As they were running through the abandoned home, they saw a body hanging from a doorway to their left. The hanging corpse was Tony’s. The football players were now stunned, seeing their friend, hanging from a noose that was made by a belt. They then decided to leave the house, giving up hope. When they got to the door, it was locked. Then, a voice boomed throughout the house.

“You are now trapped. You will all meet the same fate as your friend. The world will be much better without you four in it anymore. You have all stolen fame from me on the field. Now, I will steal your life. Goodbye, forever.”

The experiences that Calvin was talking about were during wins that their football team got throughout the season. For example, Adrian ran in a touchdown to win a game, and Calvin thought that he should have had the ball for the final play.

The guys could hear a low growling behind them. They look, and they see two eyes as red as rubies in the darkness staring right through them.

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