Guardians of the Galaxy | Teen Ink

Guardians of the Galaxy

January 30, 2014
By Doubled100 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Doubled100 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Fleet Admiral, we are entering the battlefield. Are we good to go?”

“What is the status on the rest of the fleet Coronel?”

“They are approaching now sir. It should only be about two minutes.”

“Alright. Raise the shields, power the weapons. It’s us against the whole Polean military. We must fight now. It’s our only chance to confront them. Man your stations. Lieutenant Bryant, get me a report on their weapons, armor, and cargo!” ordered fleet admiral Gibson. Blue shields emerged around the gigantic ship known as the Olympus that was accelerating at 100 MPH. Guns rose on the deck of the ship. They all pointed at around twenty yellow ship that all hovered about a mile away from them. There were about fifteen small ships that were battleships and then the rest were larger cargo ships. Although they were cargo ships, they had twice the amount of guns as the Olympus and three times the amount of shields. They to raised their guns. Over 100 laser cannons and missile launchers rose and aimed at the Olympus. Both sides fired almost simultaneously at each other. The smaller Poleax ships were targeted first and once they were hit by the massive lasers the Olympus provided, they were absolutely obliterated. Then the five larger ships were target. They hadn’t fired a single shot yet. The smaller ships managed to lower the Olympus’s shields by about 5% out of 100%. The larger ships waited for them to be destroyed for some reason. Once again, the Olympus fired all of its weapons at once. The Poleax cargo ships answered back with their own guns. Neither ship was taking much damage. The Olympus had the upper hand due to that it was the largest battle ship in the whole galaxy. The Poleax’s though, had a few tricks up their sleeve. The Poleax mother ship seized fire and the other ships followed. The Olympus still shot all it could at their enemy. All of a sudden, a red light emerged out of a small hatch on the Poleax mother ship.

“Lieutenant, where is that report? What is this? Is it a weapon or a beaming device?” asked the Fleet Admiral.

“It appears to be some kind of laser sight sir.”

“How do you know that Lieutenant?” questioned the Fleet Admiral.

“Sir, I’ve never seen this before. I can’t seem to find any information on it,” answered Lieutenant Bryant while typing on his computer codes to try to hack the Poleax system.

“I haven’t heard of it either Bryant. Keep firing. Once it fires, evade left. I don’t want to test what this missile does.”

“Sir, I think it is firing now,” replied an officer sitting at the weapons control table.

“Evade! Evade! Evade!” yelled Fleet Admiral Gibson. The ship rocked left but the red light followed it and so did the cannons. The ship fired all of its weapons at once and they all hit the ship at the same time. There was no explosion for a few seconds after it hit until it looked like a nuclear bomb went of in the main hangar. Explosions raced towards the bridge of the ship. The Fleet Admirals last thoughts were, that Earth was lost.

Moments later, Admiral Derek Jefferson, Fleet Admiral’s favorite Admiral, arrived at the scene of thousand of dead astronauts floating around the demolished Olympus.

“Who did this?” questioned Jefferson.

“Sir, I believe it was the Pollens,” answered major Shirley. She reached for the center console at her table and entered search in the search bar. A red, blue, green, orange, and yellow image appeared on the screen. The thermal vision machine found no living things.

“Wait, what is that. There seems to be a living thing over their.” On the screen, there was a small shuttle that showed one living organism in it. “Deploy a search party. Ready the space suits. Major Shirley and Coronel Roberts, come with me. We leave in 10.” A few minutes later, the Admiral left his ship, the Obliteration and flew to the small shuttle just across from them. “Major, take us to that to that shuttle bay over there.” The small ship they were in housed a few seats and was lined with space suits and weapons. Major Shirley sat at the command chair and flew them towards the wrecked shuttle bay. Admiral Jefferson sat behind Shirley on the left side of the ship and Coronel Roberts sat across from him. Major Shirley pulled around the side of the wreckage and found a whole she could pull in through. “Major stay with the ship until I page you. Coronel, come with me. Activate your Oxygen tank and turn your safety off.” The spacesuits they were displaying were the average spacesuit that you would see an average astronaut wear except they were lined with a light layer of titanium which when activated with electricity, they could create a shield. Admiral Jefferson climbed down the stairs of the shuttle and walked towards the nearest wreckage. “Careful Roberts, we are moving in a piece of wreckage in space. It is going to shift and move a lot so make sure you keep eyes on me. Look for a shuttle with a light.” Jefferson jumped down towards a pile of wreckage. He spotted a light a couple feet below a layer of titanium. “Roberts, get over here. Help me lift this.”
Roberts moonwalked over to Jefferson and lifted the opposite side of the metal.

“Sir, are we sure this is a friendly?” asked Roberts as he stared at Jefferson’s deep blue eyes. His brown, scruffily beard shifted due to the oxygen blowing in his mask.

“Honestly Coronel, the only ship wreckage I can see is the Olympus’s and I doubt that the Pollens have a similar looking shuttle to ours.”

“I got you sir. By the way, why did Fleet Admiral Gibson attack the Poleax ship anyway?”

“The Pollens have captured and imprisoned five other planets in the last year. We saw them close to our sun and assumed they were going to attack us. Ughhhh, we didn’t want to be caught off guard,” replied Jefferson as he fully lifted the tiny piece of metal off the shuttle. Below it was a shuttle with a man in it. He was not wearing a spacesuit and was knocked out cold. Jefferson assumed he had gotten shaken around and knocked his head on something. All of a sudden, the broken hangar smacked into a part of the engine and was smacked around. The Admiral and Coronel were thrashed furiously backwards into a wall. The shuttle slowly slid across the floor. It rolled and started to fly towards the Admiral. Shocked, he did not know what was going around.
“Duck!” The Admiral barely escaped the wreck. Jefferson got up and examined the inside of the shuttle again.
“Quickly, get Major Shirley over here. Tell here to have the grappling hook ready.” Moments later, the Major flew over and dropped the hook down where Coronel Robert connected it to the top of the shuttle. They flew it back to the ship and landed it in the main hangar. Jefferson opened the shuttle and ordered for the man to be taken immediately to the medical room.

The man woke up hours later and immediately was confronted by Jefferson.

“Hello. I am Admiral Derek Jefferson and welcome aboard the Obliterator. We found you in quite an awkward place my friend. I am assuming you were a passenger of the Olympus?”

“Hugh, yes indeed. Where am I again?”

“You are on the Obliterator my friend. I know, not a very good name but once the ship is named, it can never be renamed. That is my philosophy after all. What is your name soldier?”

“I’m Ken sir. Hugh, Private Ken. What it happened with my ship sir? And Fleet Admiral Gibson?”

“Both private, are unfortunately passed away. How did you end up in the shuttle Private?”

“I was ordered to prepare a shuttle for Fleet Admiral Gibson to travel aboard the Poleax Ship. Unfortunately, he never came. I luckily had the door shut and somehow pushed the launch button.”

“Hugh. Do you remember how the Olympus met its end? I mean, this weapon must be pretty powerful if it smashed through are shield which is one of the strongest, thinnest shields in this galaxy.”

“There was something about that ship. It shot so quickly and it was full of power. It destroyed our ship in seconds.”

“Okay Private. Thank you for this information. Oh, by the way Private, I am going to launch a secret mission to the Poleax’s home, Soran. I need one more person to come and I want that person to be you. We will be confronting their king so I don’t want you to be mad or aggressive at them for killing your commander. He was my commander to but I will not show that I am mad,” said Jefferson to Ken in a low voice.

“Yes sir. You know right that since Fleet Admiral Gibson is either dead or missing and since you are the highest ranked Admiral, you are now the new Fleet Admiral.”

“Yes, I am very aware of that.”

Later that evening, Jefferson left with Private Ken (who actually is part of the army but was assigned to come aboard the Olympus to help out), Major Shirley, and Coronel Roberts. It took them about three hours to reach their destination. Once they arrived, they already knew something was wrong. The landing pad where they had landed was full of Poleax guards.

“Who is the high ranking officer here?” asked Jefferson.

“I am,” answered a booming voice. It came form the left of them towards a group of purple looking lizards. “If you wish to talk to King Polean III, you have come to the wrong place.”

“Where can I meet him?” asked Jefferson.

“Hahaha. Like I would tell you.” Jefferson scanned his surroundings. He counted fifteen guards. He lowered his left hand to his laser grenade above his left back pocket. He pushed the top button. He threw it to the largest group of guards that consisted of about nine guards. Each guard was stunned by the grenade and fell to the ground. He whipped out his laser pistol and hit the deep voiced guard in the throat. He turned around and fired at the other group of guards. He shot about three guards while the rest of his men shot the last three guards in the corner of the landing pad. Jefferson turned back around and locked his arm around the guard in a headlock position. He turned around and pushed his lizard face towards the ground.

“Will you tell me now?” He pushed his gun on the guard’s temple.

“Yes. Okay. He is entering the Milky Way galaxy now. He plans on taking your planet over. He says he wants all of Earth to serve him.” Admiral Jefferson looked shocked of what he just heard.

“Major Shirley, start the shuttle. Coronel, page the Obliterator. Tell them to start the engines and tell them to convert all energy to the engines. All right Poleax. You gave me the information I needed. If I can’t kill your king, I’ll settle with killing you.” He took his gun and aimed it at the lizard’s heart from his back. He shot three rounds into him before walking back to his ship. He climbed in and strapped himself to his seat. They zoomed towards the Obliterator. Once they landed in the ship and Jefferson made it up to the control room they traveled towards their home planet Earth.
It took then a matter of minutes to reach their home. Before them was a large cargo ship that was three times the size of the Obliterator. The ship was the mother ship of the Poleax army. Jefferson wondered why it was the only ship considering that they wanted to capture Earth. “Convert all energy to shields and guns. Get three shuttles ready for departure and call in ten extra battle ships. Tell them to surround the enemy ship and to each prepare three shuttles as well,” ordered Admiral Jefferson. Just then, twenty battleships emerged, each housing more weapons the Obliterator. “Hurry up with those shuttles! Vice Admiral Duncan, wait for my command to fire on the mother ship,” said Jefferson.
“Yes sir, but what is the signal?” asked a high pitch voice.
“You will know it when you see it.” The woman nodded in approval. “Major Shirley, get our eight best men. I’ll lead one shuttle, you lead the second one and Commander Mills, you lead the other. Coronel Robert’s, I want you too oversee the weapons progress on their ship. Now, I know that all of us here didn’t sign up to be in space. Some wanted to join the army or marines. Well they sent you up here to us. So that means only two things. Either you barely made the cut into making one of those groups or you are the best soldiers any country can ask for. I want you to prove me right. Now lets win this for Earth!” The whole control room busted into cheers. “We leave now Commander and Major.”
They left their ship each in a small shuttle barely big enough to fit all thirteen men. They approached the Poleax mother ship. The shuttles were so small that they didn’t even show up on their radar.
“All right boys, are plan is to destroy their shield generators and if possible, their weapon of mass destruction.” They landed on the top of the ship and each of them stepped out of their vehicles and made their way to the shield tower. The only engineer in the group began cutting the antennae in half and Jefferson began cutting a whole right next to it. The shield covered the whole ship except for the antennae. Jefferson and the engineer both finished their jobs simultaneously. Jefferson jumped in and planted a charge. Alarms went off and Poleax guards rushed in. Jefferson’s men quickly obliterated all of them. “Get back to the shuttles!” ordered Jefferson as more guards piled in. They zoomed back to the shuttles and took of back to the Obliterator. Jefferson pressed a remote and boom! The shields of the mother ship went down.
Up in the control room of the
Obliterator, Vice Admiral Duncan got the signal.
“Fire!” she yelled. The Poleax ship was struck with such power and heart that it fell quicker than their shields fell.
Jefferson arrived in the main hangar where the whole ship celebrated their victory. They all yelled his name. He had avenged his leader, Fleet Admiral Gibson. Later that day, he was honored officially with his new title, Fleet Admiral. He went even a step further by changing his ship’s name from the Obliterator to the Avenger. Earth and its inhabitants had once again proved, they do not give up.

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