The Hungry Wolf! | Teen Ink

The Hungry Wolf!

February 25, 2014
By Folly051 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Folly051 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
" No Pain no game

Once upon a time little red riding hood was running to

Grannies. After she got chased by the big bad wolf

Granny saw them out the window. And then red took a stick to hit the wolf.
Granny called the cop’s. The cops took the wolf. He was on the daily news.

The wolf felt bad. He was hungry. Red went to grannies to eat lunch. Later red

went home. By that tie the wolf was out of jail. He was still hungry. Red gave him a muffin. Since then they became friend. They even teamed up with the three little pigs. That time the wolf was getting hungry he wanted to eat the three little pigs that day was a bad day for red.

The End

The author's comments:
Hi i'am Folly a 13 year old author with teen ink.
And when making a story sometimes i like to retell them in my own way.

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