The Scream | Teen Ink

The Scream

February 27, 2014
By Ryan Illies BRONZE, Belgrade, Minnesota
Ryan Illies BRONZE, Belgrade, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I awoke to the screaming of a girl cutting through the silence of the school I have been in for awhile. The nights here are rough as the posters from post fallout are scattered throughout the floor and the shortage of food in my little classroom. I decide that I have to leave my room to survive if any time now would be the best they would be dealing with the screaming girl.

I unlock my door and the stench of gunpowder hangs in the air. The group of people who have been sweeping and clearing the half broken halls for food and taking anyone out who got in their way have not made their way to this side of the school This included some of the children who were not picked up from the school by their parents. These people are terrible I don't want any contact with them if possible. The screaming this time is followed by a gunshot and it’s not too far away.

Ever since the government fell the rich and famous were protected and live in the big cities and continue to live life normally. But the other people like me have to stay in small towns or got kicked out of the big cities only to fight over the last can of fruit in the grocery store. I creep up to the door I suspect the screaming and gunshot came from. As I inch the door open little by little and when I get the door wide open I realize the huge, and careless life and death mistake I have made when the air horn taped to the bottom of the door to go off screeches through the cracked concrete halls.

A few moments pass and I hear nothing too much nothing its way to silent compared to the occasional cold cruel laugh and a few footsteps here and there. Then the footsteps and yelling pierce through the silence in a swift set of steps I get into a cabinet full of books it’s a tight fit but I can manage considering the weight I have lost. I wait in the cabinet for a while my heart is pounding so hard in my chest I think it might explode or worse they could hear it. A few moments pass and I hear them pass my classroom door I slowly open my cabinet and make my way into the cracked and bullet hole filled halls and I hear a muffled sound coming from a teachers’ lounge.

The moment I see the dead girl lying in a fresh pool of blood is the same moment I also realize there are two heavily armed men staring directly at me. I see a gun laying on the counter I grab it with my dirt caked hand and bolt as two bullets fly over my head and go into the wall. They are shooting at me as I run through the halls towards the door but when a bullet hits me in the shoulder I wince at the pain I turn and pull the trigger and take one of them out and pull the trigger on the second one and I hear a death sentencing click I turn and run faster than ever through the doors and outside. In the sun I can barely see a truck that had barely arrived jump in and drive. About a half mile away from the school I see a car approaching me from behind and another bullet this time comes through the back window and hits my other shoulder. The car comes to my right and I ram it through the railing on a bridge we are on and hear screams from the car. I drive into the light and reality fades away as the truck swerves off the bridge. Thats when I hear the splash of my car into the lake below and the water overcome me from the back window where the bullet came through I feel the cool water ease my pain from my wounds I slowly release my last breath and fall to sleep and never woke up.

The author's comments:
Just something to read

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