Return of the Ring | Teen Ink

Return of the Ring

March 1, 2014
By Alexander_T_Stone BRONZE, New York Ciry, New York
Alexander_T_Stone BRONZE, New York Ciry, New York
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Favorite Quote:
“Even strength has to bow down to wisdom sometimes.” -Annabeth Chase

I wish I had never found it. It is like a wolf in sheep's clothing. It has a rare beauty to it. The way the light bounces off of its golden metal is a privilege to witness. The strange letters that appear when it is heated gives it a sense of mystery. But it only brings trouble. It took me a while to realise what had cause all the bad things in my life, as crazy as it sounds. How can something so small, be so evil? As unlikely as it seems, I know that it is true. And I am sure that the worst is yet to come, but I can't seem to let it go. Every time I try to get rid of it, it manages to find a way back into my pocket. Like a boomerang that will always return to the person who threw it, no matter what.

I found it when I was walking somewhere in Central Park. The exact location is a memory I have long since forgotten. Come to think of it, I have no idea why I was walking alone in Central Park. I was feeling pretty happy that day, walking along the small path, staring up at the sun. I didn't think anything would be able to bring me down. I walked along the path, staring at the cracks in the cement. Then something caught my eye. A bright golden glint flashed across my eyes. A short distance in front of me, laying against a tree, was a small golden ring. I got a sudden wave of depression, but it quickly shifted to an exiting curiosity. I jogged over to the ring, and picked it up.

It was abnormally heavy for just a simple gold ring. I fiddled with the ring for a minute or two, then slipped it into my pocket, and went home. I walked into the door, and said hello to my mother. She looked up with a smile on her face, but when she met my eyes it faded instantly. She yelled at me for 10 minutes about all the things I have been doing wrong. She started crying, telling me I needed to do better. Then she told me to go to my room, and I did. Only moments after I had left, I could hear her laughing, as if nothing had ever happened.

I pulled the ring out of my pocket. I examined it very closely. I decided to put it on. It fit around my middle finger perfectly, but it felt heavier when I wore it. It weighed my hand down, and my very body felt a little harder to control. I decided I must have needed a nap. I took the ring off and set it on my furnace, then jumped into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I feel asleep. I dreamed of a dark presence. It was male, and could speak, but it took no physical form.

It spoke to me in a deep whisper.

“I still live, young one.” he said to me.

“What do you mean you still live? Who are you?” I didn't know what else to ask.

“Many years ago, I was thought to be killed. When a certain artefact of mine was destroyed in the depths of a great fire.”

“Okay, but why are you telling me this?” I questioned.

“I still live... Which can only mean one thing.” the whispers grew heavy in my ears. “It was never destroyed.”

“What was never destroyed? What is going on?” I was starting to get the chills, but I knew it was only a dream.

“Frederick Baker. You know not of what you have discovered. A great power sits in your control, and it is not for you to keep,” the words rang in my ears, piercing into my mind. My head seemed to gain one hundred pounds, and I fell to the ground, causing me to wake up.

I shot out of bed. There was no sun in the sky, and my alarm clock read 12:03. I had slept for six hours, though it felt like only minutes. I stumbled over to my furnace, where I had left the ring. It appeared to be glowing, with something written on both sides. I could have sworn that it was blank before, but the letters were as clear as day. Although they weren't clear at the same time.
They were not in English letters. In fact the letters didn't appear to be any letters currently used by anyone. I could not tell what it said, but I had a strange feeling it was not positive. I had another feeling, that my dream was not only a dream. It meant something. Something serious.

Days would go by, and things only got worse. I got suspended from school. My mom grounded me for two months. A store clerk called the cops on me. People on the streets gave me dirty looks. I felt nothing but anger all the time. I began to realize it was the ring's fault. The ring was causing trouble, as if it were a black whole, sucking the good right out of the air.

I went to back to Central Park one day, to return the ring where I had found it. When I had finally found the spot, I placed it on the ground. Or at least I thought I did. I turned away, and began walking down the path. But I didn't feel satisfied. A female jogger ran along the same path as me, head phones in both of her ears. She looked at me strange, like I was a dirty dog.

“What's your problem?” I screamed at her.

She ran away faster, angrier looking then before. I hadn't meant what I did. I couldn't control my anger. I had given the ring up, but people were still looking at me funny.

Then I noticed something peculiar. Something was in my pocket. Something that hadn't been there moments before. I stuck my hand into my pocket only to discover that I somehow still had the ring.

When I thought about it, I couldn't remember ever setting the ring down. I only thought that I did.

This happened many times, and it got to the point where I gave up on trying to get rid of the ring. I needed to do something with it. The ring had some sort of purpose. An evil purpose, but a purpose. And I need to figure out what it was. I needed to talk to the man in my dreams...

When I got home, I tried to lay down and go to sleep. My eyes felt dense, and my head began to empty of thoughts. I was almost asleep when I heard something eerie. Deep low whispering filled my ears. I could hear it calling to me. Tempting me. I pulled the ring out of my pocket, and looked at it.

I slipped it onto my finger. The whispers grew louder, as if they were forming from the inside of my own head. The world became darker and distorted. I felt different... less physical.

I quickly removed the ring from my finger, as it made me feel awful. Though it didn't just make me feel awful. It made me feel strong.

I decided to close my eyes, and in minutes I was asleep.

The dream came sudden. A flash of horrid light in the shape of an eye filled my vision. The whispering presence began to speak.

“You seek knowledge of my artefact.” he said.

“Why me? Why did I have to be the one to find the ring?” I asked.

“You are one of few who are capable of returning the ring to me.” his words were heavy as ever.

“I don't even know who you are. Why would I help you?” I began to grow angry.

The presence let out a deep chuckle, “I am known as the dark lord by many, but my real name will do you no good in your world.”

I thought about his words. He was known as the dark lord. He really was evil, and the ring was probably his creation. It took me a while, but I spoke “What do I do with the ring?”

I could feel the presence smiling. He began to explain what I needed to do. He wanted me to return the ring to him..

The author's comments:
I am a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings, so this is a short story spin off.

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