Kill Kim Jun-Un | Teen Ink

Kill Kim Jun-Un

February 28, 2014
By brian huynh BRONZE, Des Moines, Washington
brian huynh BRONZE, Des Moines, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Richard, Wang, Your mission is simple.” The commander was stressed but his 40 years of experience in the CIA was enough to make him look calm. “North Korea has become a threat. They recently found a surplus of uranium north of the capitol Pyongyang. From our Intel they have created over 250 nuclear bombs that are ready to be launched any moment. We must eliminate the only source that can launch these bombs and that is Kim Jun-Un the 6th.”
I was given brief details of this mission yesterday but I wasn’t expecting such a difficult task for Wang and I. I have never done anything of this caliber before and neither has Wang in his operations in China.
“But commander, why us.” Wang asked.
“The mission requires two teenage males that are conducting a research project under one of our operative in North Korea. You guys have plenty of experience in stealth rendezvous and so you guys were the optimal choice.
“You guys have one week to get ready for this mission. You will be leaving on the 28th of February. Your flight will take off at 600 sharp and you will arrive in the evening. You will check in with our operative currently living in North Korea and he will give you the rest of the Intel for you to complete your mission. This made no sense to me, how can a Caucasian and a Chinese teenager get into the country, invade the world’s most oppressive government, and get to their beloved leader and kill him.
“How are we supposed to survive this mission, sir?” The commander looked sternly into my eyes and yelled.
“Do you have doubts about your ability Richard.” I was surprised to get such an answer but as an agent I knew my role and had to comply.
“No sir, I will accept this mission.” Wang answered the same.
“Okay great, I’ll see you guys at headquarters on the 28th of February.

Later in the hotel, everything seemed to piss me off. As we entered the hotel room, Wang slammed the door behind us.
“What the hell is this mission?” I asked Wang.
“Did you do anything wrong, maybe they are trying to get rid of us with this suicidal mission.”
“No way, we aren’t the worst agents in the agency.”
“Oh well, it doesn’t matter anymore Richard, let’s just start packing and saying goodbye to our families.

“This is your captain speaking. We will be landing in Pyongyang in 10 minutes. Please fasten your seat belts. Welcome to North Korea.” Wang and I were sleeping until we heard this. Previously we shut the window because the clouds were bright, but then when we opened it we weren’t surprised. The landscape was gloomy and dull. Buildings were gray and had no variance. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was not ready to spend any time in this country.
We were meeting up with an operative that has spent 5 years in the country. His name was Josh and he lived on the outskirts of the city. He had developed his position in the North Korean government that his house was one of the few houses that wasn’t under surveillance 24/7.
“Hello, welcome to North Korea. Thanks to our great leader, you are here in our amazing country and you landed safely. Follow me right this way and we end up in my house.” Wang and I were told by our commander that we were to say nothing until we reached headquarters. The car ride there was awkward. Wang and I were in the back seat of the taxi. Josh was speaking to the taxi driver in Korean so all Wang and I could do was look at the landscape. It was a new experience to see almost no cars on the roads. Everybody walked or were on bicycles. Everybody was smiling and everybody seemed to be having a great time. From my prior knowledge, I knew that anybody that lived in the city were the privilege ones so I wasn’t surprised that people were happy in this part of the country. We finally got to Josh’s house. It wasn’t impressive. It was a small one story house but it felt homey.
When I walked in his house, everything I expected about a North Korean home was there. Pictures of Kim Jun-Un and his relatives were on the wall everywhere. He had some posters of what I believed to be movies but Kim Jun-Un was in the bottom left and I assumed he got all the credit for.
“Okay, let’s not beat around the bush.” He went to his desk to pull out a large map with red arrows and circles around locations.
“We are here, this Pyongyang’s government building and this is the Mokran house. The Mokran house is where Kim Jun-Un lives and the government building is where he comes from time to time. You guys will be following me to the government building everyday as my interns. Eventually the government officials will get used to you guys…
“How long will this take?”
“The plan will approximately take 2 years to complete.”
“Why so long? It shouldn’t be that hard to kill Kim Jun-Un.”
“Because you aren’t going to be blowing our cover if this doesn’t work. Are you aware what will happen if you mess this up? If you get caught, you can insure that the world will commence to World War III. North Korea will nuke the US. The US will bomb North Korea. Other countries will get involved. Nothing good can happen but mutually assured destruction.
“Okay I understand, sorry for asking.”
“Moving along, He will host a parade on the 16th of February two years from now to commemorate Kim Jun-Il’s birthday. He usually has little to no security with him that day because of how he makes everybody participate in the festivities. That day however, you will sneak from the government building to his house. Make sure to take the low ground with the hidden tunnel systems they used in the Korean Wars back then. You will make it to his house. You should have a clear shot of him from the exit of the tunnel.
“So what are we supposed to kill him with? We had to get rid of all of our weapons entering the country.”
“You wait here.” He went to his room to carry out a Barret .50 caliber sniper rifle.
“You will kill him with this.”
“So how are we going to move a huge sniper rifle through the capitol and the underground tunnel without dragging us down?”
“Every week from now, you will be transferring parts of this rifle to a haven near the end of the tunnel. You will start with simple nuts and bolts leading to the scope.” At the day of the parade, you will assemble the rifle and kill him.”
“So how will we get out safely? I bet you seconds after we fire the shot we will have 1,000 militants around us.” Wang made a good point. This plan felt fool-proof but the escape plan was the hard part.
“After the bullet is shot, we should be fine. There will be utter chaos of the “great leader” dying. People would be focusing more on rescuing him than capturing the culprit. Anyways, we will rendezvous after to my house here. American helicopters will land in the field to the left and we will then fly to the Americas safely. Any questions?”
“When do we start?”

Josh looked surprised, it’s like he didn’t expect us to be so ready to go out into the field.

“You will start in a week, before then you will need to study up. Make sure you know the lingo that goes around here. Such as addressing everything around the Great Leader. Knowing the history of Korea. Etc.”

“Why us?” I asked

“Excuse me…?” Josh looked shocked.

“How come the U.S. didn’t do anything about the nuclear program before North Korea got a hold of 250 nuclear bombs?”

“Other countries such as Venezuela, and Hungary tried to threaten North Korea to stop manufacturing nuclear bombs but then days after. Those countries got bombarded with nuclear bombs and got eliminated.”

“Oh…so are we the world’s last resort.”

“Basically yeah, now go get some sleep. Study up. I’ll see you later. I have to go to the government building now.”

“You guys ready?” I wasn’t ready. I have spent the last 7 days in Josh’s house. It was pretty relaxing actually. Hanging out with Wang and reading about North Korean history. However, I could never picture myself living here for longer than a year. The only internet that was available had Kim Jun-Un the 6th in it. The only thing on TV was about him as well. And even the magazines. The only thing you could see in this country is their beloved leader.

“Yeah, let’s go.” As I slipped on my dress shoes, I was preparing my mental state for what was next to come. Wang and Josh were already in the car waiting for me as I walked down the driveway.

As we rolled up to the government building, I was very nervous. I could feel the tension that Wang and I had with the scenario but we knew that we had to keep it cool. As we entered, Josh had to get his ID scanned and introduce us. The receptionist had a very perplexed face as she looked at us, but after Josh introduced us she went back to her work and we proceeded to Josh’s office.

His office was on the 5th floor and had a nice view of the city. As we entered his office, my body tensed at the sight of the person waiting for us.

“So Josh, are these the boys you have been bragging to me about.” He was a rather chubby man but we knew who he was. Wang and I glanced at each other and we knew that we could not blow this up.

“Yes Mr. Un, these are the boys I have been telling you about. There are very excited to be in your wonderful country and can’t get wait to get working.”

“They don’t seem too special, the Chinese one looks too skinny, and the white one looks arrogant.”

“No sir, physically they might not look the best like you but I assure you, their mental capabilities are amazing.” Kim scrunched his face, contemplating on what he would do.

“Let them hang out with me for the day, let me get to know them better.” I didn’t know whether or not to be scared or honored at having Kim Jun-Un want to hang out with me.

“Oh no Mr. Un, I really want them to learn my job before they venture off with anybody.” Kim’s emotion suddenly turned sour.

“Them going with me shouldn’t be a problem right Josh.”

“Oh no sir, go right ahead. Have a nice day.”

“Okay good, follow me boys.” Kim stood up from the chair he was sitting in and ushered us to follow him. No words were transferred between us until we went outside and waiting for us was his limousine.

“Sir, where are we headed to?” Wang asked.

“Somewhere we can be more personal, all these workers in the building just make the environment more serious. I’m not a very serious guy you know?” This almost made me snicker but I knew better to show emotions around him. The limousine ride seemed very familiar. It was like I’ve been on this route before. I glanced over at Wang to see if he noticed to and surely enough he was contemplating about it too. Before we knew it, we reached a very luxurious building. Then I figured out why he route was so familiar. We were at the Mokran. I checked around us and there were to my surprise zero guards around. I had an idea, but I had to know if Wang had the same intensions.

As Kim was escorted to his house by his chauffeur, I was looking for an escape route. A plausible route that we could take quickly to not only leave the scene but keep us hidden. I knew that this knowledge would come in handy after my plan.

During the tour of his house, I was looking for anything I could use to deliver the killing blow with. His house was very interesting and glamorous. After every artifact we passed he would tell us the history behind it and Wang and I had to pretend that we cared. Still not knowing that Wang had the same intentions as me, I saw what I needed to do. On the table that we were coming up on, I saw a pair of scissors. As he passed the table of another artifact, I snuck the scissors and placed it in my back pocket waiting for the perfect opportunity. But all of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain near my neck. I ended up on the floor next to Wang and I quickly figured out it was a trap.

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