Ky's Trip to the Cabin | Teen Ink

Ky's Trip to the Cabin

March 26, 2014
By D.Pink515 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
D.Pink515 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ky’s trip to the cabin

One ordinary Saturday morning as I was curled up in my mom’s bed, I heard movement upstairs. I jumped and raced up the stairs! My mom was in the kitchen, was that bacon I smelt? Yes, definitely bacon. I stood up on my hind legs, waved my front paws, and jumped around in a little circle to receive a small chunk. My human mom always says I’m getting chubby, but she continues to give me everything that she eats. Human food is my favorite!

After breakfast my mom went into her room and pulled out a black and pink duffle bag with lots of zippers. I don’t like when my mom packs because sometimes she leaves me home alone. Using all my ability I jumped up on the bed and sat on her bag, in hope that she would take me with her! Mom picked me up and gently placed me on her bed.
After that she went to her dresser and opened up the drawer where she keeps my favorite toys, leashes, and clothes. I got really excited because next she pulled out my collar and buckled it around my neck! Wagging my tail, I gave her kisses all over! I let her lead me to the car and I hopped right in. My family got in after me. Anticipating we were going to my grandma’s, I looked out the window. Whenever we go there I get to run around really fast in her yard and bark at the neighbor’s dogs. Preparing myself for a lengthy drive, I got comfortable on my mom’s lap.

When I woke up we were driving on a strange road lined with trees covered in white stuff. I pressed my nose up to the window and it was very cold! We continued to drive until we arrived at a place that I had never seen before.
Everyone grabbed their bags and my mom hooked my leash to my collar. I jumped out of the car and right when I touched the ground I could tell I was going to like this white stuff. It glistened in the sun and was cool to my paws touch. When I walked my feet would disappear and the soft powder clung to my hair.
I walked with my family for a while until we got to this weird looking house. We went inside and it kind of smelled weird, like wood and dust. I liked this place though because it had big windows that I could sit at and watch the squirrels clamber up and down the trees. I also liked it because all of the beds were in the same room so I could jump from bed to bed!

Later that day my mom took me outside to play in the white stuff they call snow. There were lots of things to chase out there, like rabbits, squirrels and this black and white cat-looking thing that my mom got mad at me for chasing. She kept telling me to “go potty,” but I was having more fun running around in the snow, leaping over fallen trees and smelling unfamiliar things. When we went back inside I realized that I did have to go to the bathroom. My bladder felt like it was going to explode and I wet a throw rug in the cabin. I felt so relieved, but my mom was not happy with me. I tucked my tail in between my legs and gave her my “I’m sorry” face in hope that she would forgive me.

The next morning my family packed all their things back into their bags and set them by the door. They made the beds, dusted, and got out the vacuum. I hated the vacuum! As soon as it started roaring, I fled for the basement and hid until the terrible noise stopped. When I heard my mom call my name I tip toed up the stairs and peeked my head around the corner to make sure that it was gone. All clear, what a relief!

My mom connected my leash to my collar as my family grabbed their things and we walked out the door. We walked for a while in the snow until we got to the car, I was glad to be back in our car. I was sure happy to see all my toys. I had fun at the cabin but I missed my home!

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