Heros curse | Teen Ink

Heros curse

April 1, 2014
By Slayerkiller BRONZE, Wayland, Michigan
Slayerkiller BRONZE, Wayland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Dustin looked to the sky as tears ran down his cut cheeks he looked back down at the girl he once swore he'd protect she had a arrow pirced in her chest. Her hair was dark blue with red highlights in her bangs she was about 16 her eyes were ocean blue.
"Why didn't I see this coming we knew they'd come but not like this."

Dustin looks out at the ocean the only thing he thinks of is that if he hadn't tried to kill the merchants then the archers wouldn't have came and skylar would still be alive.this all happened so fast his cousin George left him to join his brother Kyle in the protective group. That was always what George wanted.

Dustin looked down at the cuts he had from the blacksmith's sword the wounds still sting yet the bleeding has stopped his ripped pant legs are somewhat burned though his eye was swollen and he could barely walk but if he stayed the townsfolk would surly find him he looked towards a cavern.

Kylie was a 18 yr old girl struggling to survive with out her mom around her mom past away at a early age.

Kylie looked out the window towards Dustin's house and watched the sheriff look through his house as he walked out the sheriff lite a match and tossed it into the house.

"Why did he have to revolt towards the town this town was peaceful then he had to try and start problems and he dragged my sister along." Mumble Kylie as her father walked in, the man was a slob and a drunk ever since his wife pasted away he never touched alcohol in his life when she was alive he had dark green eyes and blood red hair, the scratches on his knuckles indicates he had been fighting again.

" who were you fighting this time father?" Kylie ask as she went to grab the band aids and peroxide.

" chad dickens the barkeep he claims I owe him 500 bucks for all the beer I had and I don't he's trying to steal our money." Said her father as he managed to walk to the table.

" have you seen yourself lately what would mom say she hates when people drink I know you miss her we all do but drink won't bring her back and what about skylar she's still out there with Dustin she hasn't came home yet I'm worried." Said Kylie looking at her father who obviously wasn't interested in what skylar was doing.

" that all she ever does is hang out with that boy he's no good ever since his father had left his mom and him he's been nothing but trouble his mom wasn't much of a parent etheir she left him for dead your mom always helped him to gave him some food and some clothes heck she even taught him how to read." Said her father as he watched Dustin's house burn.

Dustin saw skylars hands twitch he looked at her her eyes opened slightly.
"Dustin can you ever stay out of trouble" asked skylar as she slowly laid against a rock. Dustin smiled and hugged her.

"I thought you were dead that arrow you took for me I-" Dustin started but skylar stopped him and showed him the armor had only made it seem like it pirced her chest.

" can you take me home Kylie must be worried about us she likes having you around your like a brother to her." Said skylar struggling to get up on her feet Dustin picked her up and carried her to the town. The towns people looked at him and Kylie ran out tears in her eyes she looked at Dustin.

"Why would you drag her into your problems look at yourself your nothing but a criminal no wonder your father left you!" Yelled Kylie fighting back her tears she raised her fist at Dustin but Dustin walked towards her house and laid skylar in her bed.

" she's just scared Dustin your still that innocent child you were when I first met you remember the first day we moved here?" Asked skylar as she pulled off the arrow looking at Dustin.

"Of course I was scared to say hi was so shy but my mom walked me over to your house and told me to try to say somthing to you." Said Dustin as he held her hand managing a smile.

"I still remember moving here you were the only person who actually talked to us my mother wanted to teach you how to read." Said skylar softly gripping his hand.Kylie was about to walk in but Dustin walked out.

"It's fine I'm use to it George says the same stuff haven't heard from him since last month." Said Dustin. Kylie looked at Dustin's burnt down house.
"Where are you going to live now since your house is burnt down?" Asked Kylie looking at Dustin who was staring at skylar.

"I'm not sure almost losing skylar shocked me your sister is something special and if it weren't for her I'd be dead but when she took that arrow for me I was scared I thought of the first day we all met you never talked at the time and skylar was a ball of energy I kept thinking of what I had then it kept giving me the hope I needed to keep fighting." Dustin looked directly and Kylie who had rested her hand on his shoulder her eyes met his he looked Down at the floor.

"Dustin me and skylar love you like family so you can live here if you want." Said Kylie as she started to walk to the kitchen and washed the dishes from her last meal. Dustin walked up to Kylie and hugged her.

"George always said your a sweet girl I didn't believe him till now." Said Dustin as he let her go finally. The room was silent as Kylie looked at Dustin she couldn't describe the feeling she felt but her thinking was interrupted by a pounding on the door.dustin looked out the window. The whole town was outside the house.

"Kylie I'm turning myself in take care of skylar she will wonder where I am you tell her that I went for a hunt or something." Said Dustin as he walked out the door Kylie wanted to stop him but her words wouldn't come out she was still shocked by the sudden hug he gave her. Skylar opened her bedroom door she yawned and looked at Kylie then out the window.

"Where's Dustin sis we promised to stay together he said he'd change for me so we can live as a family." Asked skylar the wounds on her cheeks were slowly healing but her cheeks were still covered in dry blood.

"He'll be back skylar we know Dustin he got himself into this he'll get himself out but right now let's get you cleaned up you look horrible."said Kylie taking skylar by the hand and bringing her to the bathroom.Kylie looked out the window watching Dustin try to walk but the townsfolk had pulled him in the middle of the crowd and was pounded on after a few mins Dustin was coughing out blood. He had bruises on his face and arms showed indication that he was kicked around. Dustin laid there his head spinning with the thought of them returning

The author's comments:
This is just a sample I don't know if I'm good enough

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This article has 1 comment.

CutesyWalnut said...
on Apr. 18 2016 at 1:10 pm
CutesyWalnut, Wayland, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Hey I knows you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CutesyWalnut said...
on Apr. 18 2016 at 1:10 pm
CutesyWalnut, Wayland, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Hey I knows you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on Jun. 10 2014 at 9:59 am
Slayerkiller BRONZE, Wayland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I'm still working on more of this little story I posted it as a article cause story posting took longer and this is a sample so tell me what you think of this story I'm new at writing