Clement O'Malley and the Seas of Cheese | Teen Ink

Clement O'Malley and the Seas of Cheese

April 3, 2014
By Anonymous

Captain Clement O’Malley tightly gripped the wheel as rough winds and seawater battered him from all sides. His ship, the Fearless Ragu, was caught up in a maelstrom and the Captain was trying everything he could to keep her from slamming into the rocks that dotted its path. Clement growled as the storm waves battered the side of the ship and nearly forcing it into the rocks, “Yarg! No simple wave is going to bring down the Fearless Ragu”. Gripping the wheel with one hand he turned towards the first mate, “Giles climb up to the crow’s nest and see if you can spot a way out of this mess”. And as the first mate climbed to the nest, Clement O’Malley turned around towards the ship’s stern and muttered in a low stern voice, “Commodore Winslow”.

Behind the Fearless Ragu was a British Man-o-War that was weaving through the rocks, almost in the direct path of O’Malley’s prized vessel. Captain O’Malley gave the wheel to one of his sailors and walked to the back of the ship, looking over the guard rail at the ship approaching his own. His flamboyantly purple and golden robe blowing in the wind, he yelled at the top of his lungs, “Come at me Commodore! If you really want this cargo then you’re gonna have to work for it”. The response he received however was not a verbal one, at least not in the way he anticipated. A cannonball flew overhead and tore through the main sail before flying off into the distance. Pushing his mate to the side, the Captain took back control of the wheel, “Alright Winslow, you wanna play rough eh?”
He began drastic maneuvers, weaving between the rocks attempting to bring the ship’s broadside guns to bare. Upon seeing the shadow of his dreaded enemy, Clement roared with a fury matched by the cannons that would soon follow, “FIRE!” The Fearless Ragu’s 38 guns ignited in flame as they fired their projectiles towards the Man-o-War in the distance. Commodore Winslow responded by launching his salvo. Clement ducked as a cannonball tore through the hull of the Ragu making a large thud as it slammed into the armament bay. The winds began to intensify and debris began to fall all over the place covering the Ragu in various assortments of wood and metal. Glancing up at the crow’s nest, the captain bellowed, “Giles you better find a way out soon, we’re getting clobbered”. And the captain was right; the Fearless Ragu was getting more holes punched in it then a cheese grate. Looking to make sure the cargo was still secure; Clement tightly clutched his pirate hat and began to do more evasive maneuvers to avoid Commodore Winslow’s salvos. Giles suddenly called down excitedly, “Sir! There’s a narrow strait up ahead that looks to be only big enough for our ship”. Clement smiled and thought to himself, “You’re not getting this cargo today Winslow”.
Commodore Wilson seemed to have found out Clements’s plan and began to go full speed towards the Fearless Ragu. The deadly game of cat and mouse ensued, with the Fearless Ragu weaving between the rocks and waves while Commodore Wilson’s ship, aptly named The Whirlpool, followed.

The author's comments:
It's got Pirates


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