Abomination | Teen Ink


April 23, 2014
By UltraNazo BRONZE, Cheltenham, Maryland
UltraNazo BRONZE, Cheltenham, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1

Hello. I don’t know if you know what’s coming. If you do, you know you have to get ready. If you don’t, well, let’s just say, war is brewing. I hope you take this message seriously.
I’m Charles. Charles Kupolati. I’m 16 years old. I am also a human just like all of you. There are only two differences between us. Your heart isn’t invaded by some crazy alien parasite trying to eat you alive. It’s also not giving you extraordinary strength and speed while it’s continuing it’s feast too. How did it get there, you may ask? Just keep up while I tell you.
I was only 2 when it happened. They visited and they weren’t here to make peace. They called themselves the N.E.R.D. Yes, I know. You probably can’t take this seriously. I even joke about it to this day, but their skills are no joke. Oh yeah, and N.E.R.D stands for Neonic Energetic Race of Destruction. They’ve already invaded other planets. And they are not stopping.
Lyr Blackwell is my friend, and the leader of the teen resistance. He’s already organized an attack and wiped out an entire fleet. Lyr and I both lost our fathers in the war against these dreaded alien scum. Now we both fight in honor of our fathers.
Speaking of parents, my mother is calling me right now.
“Charles, come inside! I have terrible news!” she says. I am running toward the house. By the time I get there, I see my mom, on the floor. She’s badly injured; a cut to her collarbone. It’s bleeding badly, and there is a large pool of blood around her indicating that she has been losing a lot of blood and has been here like this for a while. I am starting to panic and it must show, because my mom is beginning to look at me funny, but I am all but oblivious to her pleas. A wave of fear comes over me. I don’t want my mother to die. Other than Sierra, my own sister, she’s all I have left. I begin to cry, but with sheer willpower I push them back and I try to figure out what’s going on. I yell, “Mom, what happened?! Did the N.E.R.Ds get here?”
“Yes, but they didn’t hurt me.”
I say “Then who did?!”
She says “Your sister.”

My heart skips 5 beats. My sister Sierra! Why would she do that? Sierra, the little girl who wouldn’t know how to squash a fly. The girl who moped when I moped before she even knew what I was moping for. The girl who knew about our father and knew what he did for the world was right. She loved my mom, so why would she try to kill her?
The thought hits me like a pile of bricks to my head. Of course. It was those freaking aliens. Why do they always ruin everything? They first invade my world, have to kill my father and then end up making my sister try to take my mom’s life and end up taking her. It’s not fair! I am going through mixed emotions right now as tears are welling up and my fists are clenched.
My mom looks up at me and says “Don’t cry, Charles. You can save your sister. I know you can. You’re the best.” Then, her eyes droop, and she collapses on the floor. I run to her, check for a pulse. It’s there. I heave a sigh of relief, pick her up and walk to her bedroom, where I lay her on her bed. I quietly say “I’ll get her back, I promise.” and head out.
Let me give you some info on the aliens’ abilities. They can turn invisible. Their features are either green or purple. Green is instant death or fatal injury. Purple means extra abilities. They have the power to reanimate the dead, and, well, you kill them, they just have extra ligaments to kill you with themselves. For example, if you shoot their torso off, there will be extremities coming from the back of their legs, reaching 3 feet long, trying to impale you. Only guns, bows and arrows, claws, and cannons can eliminate them. We have yet to have a super weapon, but the geeks of our resistance are still trying to help figure that out.
“Sir, we have great news!” Well, speak of the devil, it’s one of the geeks himself, I think his name is Jonathan Knight.
I say “What’s so good at a time like this?”
He says “We have developed a super weapon of our own.”
“We did?”
“Yes, sir!”
My mouth drops in surprise, happiness and shock. A super weapon! A weapon that can help destroy those dreaded scum beings, save my sister, save humanity, settle down and have kid-
“Um, sir?” the geek says.
“I think you are getting way of your head, Charlie.” Says a person at the doorway.
Oh, look. Jasmine’s here. Jasmine is my second in command, but only I think that. She calls herself my female counterpart. She’s also the weapons developer. I think she has a crush on me, and that’s not the worst part. The worst part is that I like her back. She asked me out during the war when we were 14 years old, and we’ve been together ever since. But that’s not the point. If you were paying attention, I said she’s the weapons developer, and she found a component for the super weapon. Oh yeah, and Jonny left.
She says “The weapon is called Nightbreaker. We named it off of a video game.” “Great, but when is this going to be done?”
“It’s going to be done in about in a year.”
I yell. “About a year?! My sister could be dead by then; probably reanimated into a living alien corpse and I would never see her again!!! Do you know the emotion turmoil that I and my mom are having right now?!! She’s my only sister, in the ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jasmine moves back a couple of spaces. I don’t blame her. Everyone, especially her, knows that when I’m mad, if an alien popped up right in front of me, I would vaporize it. Instantly. Even if it wasn’t trying to kill me.
Anyway, Jasmine comes up to me and hugs me tight. “It’s going to be alright.” That alien parasite in my heart is feeling the love for her, and I can say it purely hates it. It feels like the poison is rushing faster. I cry out. The pain is almost unbearable. Like adding salt to an open wound. No, it’s really worse. It’s like burning you alive, having a king cobra bite you, and stabbing you repeatedly. I fall to the ground. Last thing I see is Jasmine calling the paramedics, my mom rushing in, and seeing blood all over the floor.

Chapter 2
I wake up in a strange room. I’m actually feeling pretty nervous and afraid, seeing that I was brought here by some unknown force. Panic starts to make me sweat as I wonder who did this. My girlfriend? My best friend? The resistance itself? I look around in the room in a sense of fear. It has one opening. It seems that the whole room is made out of granite and marble. I have the feeling of a strange breeze on my body. I notice now that I am pretty much naked. I look around and I find a blank white T-shirt and some shorts with combat boots. I don’t know why, but I also have a feeling I’ve been in this place before.
I see weapons, too. Some rail guns, some rocket launchers, some pistols, an assault rifle, a sword, and some knives. Oh yeah, and someone randomly left a sniper lying around. I’m quite shocked, because I know any person in their right mind would know not to put all these dangerous weapons in one place. I carefully touch each of them, making sure I won’t blow myself up if one does go off. I put them in all of their respective holsters, and head out.
I think this place is supposed to drive you nuts.
First off, this place is like a labyrinth of death. After I left the white room, I broke into a hasty run down a dark, brooding hallway. I was so slow, paranoid, and nervous, that I accidentally stepped on an orange title, the most obvious one out of all only white blocks. I heard a sharp CLINK! Seeing that I’m only human, I had at least 2 seconds before I get impaled by spikes, knives, or anything that’s pointy. Now I know I’m contradicting myself for saying this, but because I also have superhuman abilities, my alien parasite’s reaction time is faster than mine is, so I just had enough time to fall on the floor, dodging all the spikes from the wall. After this is done, I get up, breathe, and walk to the next opening. There are traps everywhere. There was even that rolling rock of death in the narrow hallway. The rock. Really? No one has tried to escape a huge boulder of death before. That’s totally original.
Second off, whenever I make a certain amount of turns, I end up to where I started. Third of all, there are infected and aliens everywhere; popping out air vents, jumping out doors, creeping up behind me. It’s maddening! I destroy them all, but I barely make it out alive with my sanity.
Anyway I search around and I find something. It looks like a bomb. I look closely and it’s a small and compressed atomic bomb. That’s when I know that something huge is about to appear. I feel confused and nervous. If I pick this thing up and drop it, who knows how many body parts will be found. I’ve read somewhere that our past descendants used a bomb on another continent. The victims in the radius died instantly. In fact, the blast was so powerful that the people who looked at when it went off went blind instantly. I am so sweaty, that the bomb fell out of my hands and onto the ground. It makes a huge racket, and I’m afraid it will go off, but it doesn’t. I put it in a backpack I found earlier and walk down the hallway, and I hear snarling. I think it’s the figment of my imagination, but I’m not too sure.
I finally find a main room, and a hear something. It’s like a series of tapping noises. It’s probably one of the infected. It turns around, and when it does, I want to throw up the oatmeal I found in the building this morning. This… thing has a really deformed face. It looks like a shell covering of bacteria over its’ eyes. But the bacterium doesn’t stop there. It also has little flakes making a small trail to the legs, which looks kind of like a tail. But now I know one major factor: it can’t see me. I hear the tapping noise again, and I run behind it. Before I can run it through with my sword, it already turns around, and scratches me. How would it know? How did it know that I was coming before I could kill it? Then it dawned on me. Since it was not like a normal infected person, it had to adapt. It had to rely on sound to see and kill anything. That’s why when I ran; it heard me before I could kill it. Well, now that I know, I’ll just have to distract it by throwing multiple things I find on the floor. I find a Builder brick, a toy brick that you build things with, a real brick, and a Molotov cocktail. I chose the brick and the Molotov and the brick. I throw the brick first to distract, then throw the Molotov too set the infected ablaze and they’re highly flammable. I run out, for the safety of breathing in the fumes, and so my body won’t explode into a million pieces.
After that adrenaline rush of an adventure, I go on to find the exit. Along the way, I come across all sorts of traps; knifes, a hail of arrows, and battle axes swinging through the hallway. When I’m finished with those traps, I find a broken sign that says EXIT. I walk to the exit, and I see a bright light, also, with a dark figure in the distance which looks like the resistance base. I run toward it, and when I get outside, I just where I was before, where my body was before they took it away. I’m confused. Everyone’s gone. For some reason I know something is wrong. I see something shiny in the middle of the room. It’s a 3D hologram that can project from as small a parasite; to as big as a town such as the one I live in, Otherworld#8. I realize how stupid I’ve been to fall for this. The scenery of the neighborhood isn’t even my own. I run away from the area, trying to not rage and destroy because of the demon parasite that lives within me.

Chapter 3

After I calm down, I look around and I find a deciduous area. I go and try to hunt. I hide behind this deciduous place and I see a deer. With luck, I hope, this animal isn’t infected. When I place my arrow on the bow, I aim. When I was ready to kill the deer, it fell dead before I could kill it. I knew immediately that it was another hunter. I sprinted fast behind a rock and start worrying. What if he is stronger than me? What if he is my last opponent? What if I never see my mom, my sister, and my girlfriend ever again? But at the last second, I fight at these nerves I am part of the resistance. I have faced worse than this human. I can beat him. I move from the rock and see the hunter. His back is turned. If I wanted to, right now, I could send the arrow through his head at a supreme rate. He would never see it coming. But then I hear something from him that I thought I would never hear,
“Come out, Charles. No one would be so foolish as to come out against a hunter.”
“Who are you? How do you know my name?”
“I’m James. James Hunter. And I know you because of your reputation. You’re well known as the madman who’s trying to fight in a war we can’t win.”
I reply, “Well at least if we can’t win we can either slow their destruction, or die knowing we tried to end them.

James turns away, and says, “We’ll if we die together, just remember James Hunter helped the best way he could.
James then runs away. I wanted to say how he helped but I guess I was too nervous to ask him. I can smell something nasty burning in the forest. I run to see if there is a problem, and when I reach there, I notice that it’s not the forest burning, but thousands of aliens and infected killed and is in one big pile. I almost feel sorry that all of them have killed, because they had no chance against the hunter. I’m glad he’s not a foe.
Anyway, I encounter many infected and alien scum, still on the quest to find my sister and my hometown, killing every enemy in my path, leaving no foe in the path of my destruction, and leaving no trails behind. I survive in this forest eating any edible items, making remedies of my own, and drinking out of my canteen, but rarely, so I don’t die of dehydration. I use my guns and my bow and arrows that I find as a long range weapon, and with my bow, I am deadly accurate, I can shoot clean through the target of my choosing. I also survive by my kills. I meet a lot of enemies. But I am the best, the master. I feel perfectly calm, not feeling nervous at all. One of them says “You’re going to die, kid. Turn back.”
“I’m staying right here, so what are you going to do? Cry to your mom?”
Now you guys know that common sense is to not tease these guys, to say excuse me, and to run away as they are shooting you. But I was itching for a fight. I wanted to test my skills against them. The first guy throws a punch. I block it, turn behind his back, and spin kick in to his head. Direct hit! He’s out cold, forever. I turn to the six guys left, and for some reason apologize to them, saying that I didn’t mean to kill him, I just meant to knock him out. They all stared at me.
Then all the guys charged. Number 1 runs at me with a baseball and swings the baseball at me. I feel the impact of the baseball hitting my side and I fall to the ground. The pain is agonizing, and there is a giant bruise where he hit me. I think I’ve got to recover fast, before I join the guy I just killed! Number 1 brings down the baseball toward my head, but I roll out of the way just in time. I get back up, and even though my bruise is holding me back, I run toward him, and just when he’s about to hit me again, I jump and sidekick him in the head.
Now he joined the other guy. I feel nothing for the souls I have just blown out, because they tried to snuff out mine. In fact, I feel no emotion at all as I take these guys down. No anger, no mercy, no compassion, no hate. Just letting my instincts take over (more like that stupid alien parasite in my heart) as I strike more and more. For some reason, I dash away, and when I’m about ten yards away, the leader says “Where are you going, kid? We’re just getting started!” He and the rest of his crew try to chase me, but they know I’m too fast for them, and the leader says “He’ll come back, so let’s just stay here and scavenge what we can find.” I keep on running, and for about the fourth hour since I left that battleground, I come across a tiny town. “Maybe I can find some parts to make me a weapon that can start a fire.” I walk around, and after a long time, I go and find a tiny workshop. I notice that the owner has left the building for a long time, seeing there is a lot of dust. I look on the crafting table, and find a flamethrower. On the back, it says: When fire is spread on grass or on other plants, the flame will last for 24 hours or more, depending on the area. Great, I think. Now while I can encircle them in flame, I’ll use the nuke. I run back to the campout of villains, and what I see is the reason why I will call myself stupid for the rest of my life. I forgot that live flesh is like a calling to all the infected in the vicinity, which means that there was a lot.

“The more, the better for me, I guess…” I say, and I encircle all of the guys who tried to kill me and the infected in a wall of flame coming from all cardinal points. The evil guys are trying to survive by killing as much infected as possible. This is going to sound psychotic, but I prayed for them to live long enough for me to use the nuke on all of them. I run back to the little town, and then I find a launcher, aim it in the right direction, and shoot.

Let me tell you now, I’m not a weapons expert, so in the name of God I am stupid beyond recognition. The first thing I noticed, and what I did wrong was the blast radius. It almost eradicated everything in this entire area. Only a few houses remained. The second thing was the light. It was so bright, that I almost went blind. The last thing was the radiation. The level was so huge, and reached so far, that it hit me. The alien parasite in my heart protects me from diseases, but from radiation, I pass out. So before I went to sleep, I thought four figures in my mind. Lyr. Jasmine. Mom. Sierra.

Chapter 4

I wake up again. But this is a familiar room. This is my room. How long have I’ve been asleep. I go to my mom, but she isn’t at home. Also, the house is in ruins. The windows are broken. The coffee table has been destroyed. Even our game system, which I got for my tenth birthday, is broken. Even so, she wouldn’t necessarily leave the house. Fc That’s weird. She doesn’t hunt, and she only leaves for medicine or news. Speaking of which I find a newspaper. I look at the date, and I get a shocker. It’s 2195. That’s 5 years since yesterday when I nuked those guys! I see the caption on the newspaper. And then I run outside. I hear gunshots; see bombs being dropped, and bodies everywhere. Then I read the caption out loud.
“War has begun.”
To Be Continued.

The author's comments:
The people who inspired me were Masashi Kishimoto, and Rick Riordan. My character's qualities are based on theirs in Percy Jackson and Naruto. I hope people can get that I am a very good writer.

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