The Amber Woods | Teen Ink

The Amber Woods

April 24, 2014
By FindecanoAmandill SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
FindecanoAmandill SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
welcome to hell, hope you have sunscreen

"Jump" I scream at the top of my lungs "Now, don't let them get away!" I run to the end of the tree limb I am standing on, crashing through amber colored leaves readying my bow. When I reach the end of the branch I notch three arrows and leap. As I fall i let the arrows fly and they all hit their marks. Three arrows, three dead guards. I fall upon an unsuspecting caravan guard and quickly leap to my feet. I look up to see my two accomplices Rose with her daggers at the ready and Gallad brandishing his short sword and hatchet. Rose falls upon two unsuspecting victims bringing her daggers straight down atop their head killing them instantly. Gallad is not as king, he falls into a pile of leaves and slices open the gullets of the nearest two guards leaving them to bleed to death. I notch three more arrows and let them fly, killing one guard and bouncing off the armor of the other two, I drop my bow and brandish my sword. Looking for her trademark red hair I make my way over to rose and dispatch a guard who is aiming to land an ax between her shoulders with a well aimed blow to the heart. Gallad finally made his way over to us, his long hair now matted and caked with dirt and blood. I suppose we must be quite a sight to see. Here we stand three tall wood elves all with long light blond hair, except for rose who was born with naturally dark red hair, long pointed ears, and black leather armor. I can see Rose glaring at our enemies as they all gather before us, her light blue eyes piercing down to their souls. By my count there are only ten of them left and three of us, I love these odds. "You there, sharp ears" the insult seems to be aimed at me "what reason have you for ambushing us?" one of the guards asks. I assume he is the leader of this band, so I allow him the respect of a leader and answer. "My name is Findecano, my allies here are Rose and Gallad. We are what the elvish king now considers rebels, we are simply out gathering supplies needed to win our war and save our own."
"There is quite a price on that head of yours elf" The captain states. "You made the mistake of attacking a noble mans caravan and now you will pay the price, and I will be claiming your bounty."
The time for talk ia over, all ten of the guards rushed at us. Gallad rushes forward and slices a guards throat with his sword, he then throws his hatchet and it burys itself in a guards chest. Rose sprints into the middle of the crowd stabbing and slicing everyone within her reach, both killing and distracting. We call her Rose not only because of her hair but because she is like a rose, both beautiful and dangerous. The captain rushes me and I raise my sword to meet his, our swords ring off each other as mine blocks his attack. "You will die here retch." he screams at me. "It is you who will die my friend, and I am sorry it will be I who takes your life." I say over the sounds of the battle. He rushes forward and I side step, slicing his upper arm. He wails in pain and does a half spin, taking me by surprise and slicing my chest. I can feel the warmth of fresh blood as it trickles down my chest. He slices at me again and I block, aiming a blow at his other arm and slicing it through to the bone. With both arms useless he drops to his knees, weakened from a loss of blood and morality. "I hope you hang for your crimes elf." The captain says.
"And I hope the gods forgive you for yours." I exclaim as I bring my sword down cutting clean through his neck. I look over and see that Rose and Gallad had finished off the last few guards and were looting the caravan. The caravans merchant is cowering on a cart. "We will not harm you good man, we only wish to take a few things and leave." He seems to have calmed down a little after that. "What have you found?" I asked Rose and Gallad
"Nothing of much value" says Gallad "But enough food to feed our village this month."
"Everything we can find is valuable to us now Gallad, especially food. Keep that in mind." I say softly. "Take all that you can carry and we will head back before it gets too dark."


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 28 2014 at 10:33 am
flamestar BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 15 comments
Really cool idea. Keep it going. Please go check out my story Sled Dog.