The Jump | Teen Ink

The Jump

April 17, 2014
By Anonymous

I woke up and instantly felt a jolt of excitement! Today I am going to Valleyfair with my three best friends, Henry, Jayson, and Tik! At nine, my mom and I were going to go pick them up. I looked at the clock and it was eight. I went and got cleaned up and ate. Then it was eight fifty. We picked up Jayson, Tik, and Henry and ascended for Valleyfair. We cranked the music in the car the whole way to Valleyfair. It was my first time going to Valleyfair this summer and I was thrilled! Then I was daydreaming when I saw something in the distance, it was the Power Tower. I yelled “Look!” Then Henry and Tik looked up from their phones and Jayson looked up from his Gameboy and they saw the Power Tower. We all yelled “Yeah!” About five minutes later we pulled into one of the lines for paying to park. The line wasn’t moving and the car next to us had their windows down and there were some girls in the car. We rolled our windows down and I put on the song “It’s Raining Men.” Tik, Henry, and I started dancing and singing to the song. The girls in the car laughed and laughed at us and after a while they pulled forward. About ten minutes later we got to the front of the line and my mom told the lady, “I am just dropping them off.” Then the lady said, “Oh, ok then you don’t have to pay.” Then she let us through. My mom brought us close to the front of Valleyfair and we all got out. Tik, Jayson, and Henry said, “Thanks for the ride Andrea.” The she said, “Your welcome, I’ll pick you guys up at ten.” Then we waved goodbye. We walked to the front gate and showed our gold passes and we were let in. We’re now at Valleyfair and it’s time for epicness.
We started walking to the Wild Thing because that’s the ride we decided to go on first. Henry said, “I’ll ride with Noah.” Then Tik said, “I’ll ride with Jayson.” When we got to the Wild Thing there was no line. I yelled, “Yes, no line.” I sat in the front of the Wild Thing with Henry. Jayson and Tik were sitting in the seats behind us. We ascended up the Wild Thing’s biggest hill slowly. When we got to the top of the hill, Henry unbuckled my seatbelt and laughed and laughed. I tried and tried to buckle my seatbelt but I couldn’t get it. Then we descended down the hill. We were going so fast my eyes were watering really hard. My tears were flying back and hitting Jayson in the face. I heard Jayson yelling about it and I laughed. I had my hands in the air, no seatbelt, and I was coming out of my seat. I felt like I was flying. After we got off the Wild Thing, I said, “What should we go on next?” Tik said, “The Power Tower.”

When we got to the Power Tower, there was a very long line. Henry said, “Woooow.” Then we got in the line. Forty five minutes later we were on the Power Tower, slowly going up. When we got to the top, the view was amazing. While at the top we all we yelled funny random things. My heart was beating really hard. I was expecting at any moment for there to be a click and then an immediate drop. We waited and waited and waited. There was no click and no drop. Tik yelled, “We’re stuck.” Three hours later, after waiting forever, Henry yelled, “Look!” Then I looked where he was pointing. After looking for a while, I saw it in the distance, it was a helicopter! It was coming towards us. It came closer and closer until it was just yards away from us. Then a door opened from the side of the helicopter. A man appeared and he dropped a ladder from the helicopter to the ground. There were many people on the ground looking at us and the helicopter. The man in the helicopter yelled, “Raise your bar, unbuckle your seatbelt, and jump to the ladder.” “Then take the ladder to the ground” he said. What! What! I couldn’t make the jump! Then Jayson yelled, “Noah, you go first!” I yelled, “No!” Then Tik and Henry yelled, “Noah, go!” I raised my bar and unbuckled my seatbelt. Then I put my hands at the side of my seat. I pushed off as hard as I could and dove forward with my hands out. I was in mid-air and I wasn’t going to make it. I was going to fall to the ground and die in front of my best friends. Then I felt the ladder with my hands and I grabbed onto it as hard as I could. I heard Jayson, Henry, and Tik yell, “Yeah!” I did it. I jumped from the Power Tower to the helicopter ladder at 275 feet in the air. It was the most epic thing I ever did in my life. I took the ladder to the ground. Then Henry and Jayson jumped to the ladder and took it to the ground. Then Tik jumped and it was a fail of a jump. I thought for sure he wasn’t going to make it but he did. He barely grabbed the ladder with one hand. Then he took the ladder to the ground and said, “Whoa.”

With the rest of our day at Valleyfair, we rode Steel Venom, Excalibur, Renegade, and the Extreme Swing. We also spent a couple hours at the wave pool in Soak City. At ten, my mom picked us up. We put our chairs all the way back and we slept the entire way home. When I got home, I went straight to my room and laid on my bed. I was exhausted. What a great day. I can’t wait till next time.

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