The Kill Order Book Review | Teen Ink

The Kill Order Book Review

May 14, 2014
By GrahamStark BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
GrahamStark BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Kill Order By:James Dashner was boring because it started of by not giving you all the information you needed to know like how Mark found Alec and Trina, that information isn’t given until later when it doesn't matter anymore. They tried to tell you by using flashbacks but that only made it more confusing. After they answered a question you might have had they give you another one.

The Kill Order is about what happened before thomas and the maze. This is about Mark who lives in New York. One day a giant sun flare hits the earth making it too hot to live sending the world into a panic governments fall and people die. While all of this is happening a virus is released.

I would not recommend this book because of the way it starts off, The way they try to explain every thing they should have in the beginning, and the way that everything happens it was action then boring then action and there was too much they tried to put in the book which only made it more confusing.

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