Saving Buddy | Teen Ink

Saving Buddy

April 30, 2014
By Anonymous

“Dad, ill be at the beach snorkeling!” I get all my gear that I need and then grab my bike and head to the beach. It takes a little while to get to the beach from where I live. Finally when I get to the sandy parking lot of the beach I grab my snorkeling gear and head to the shore. As I am getting on all my gear I hear my friend call me. “ Hey John, can I snorkel with you?” “ Hey bob, no sorry I am going to go alone today.” Jumping into the water I start to swim to my favorite snorkeling place, when all of a sudden I hear a faint cry. The cry sounds like it could be from a dolphin. I start searching all around for where the cry came from. Swimming near a coral reef I see the dolphin crying and is stuck in a big fishing net. I try so hard to rip the net so that the dolphin can escape, but the net is so strong. I take one big breath and swim as fast as I can to the deep bottom of the coral reef and get a rock that is sharp. As I gnaw away the net with the rock I noticed that the rock is still not strong enough. I need to get a knife, so I swim so fast I feel like a dolphin myself. When arriving at the shore I run to the closest food cart and ask for a metal knife. As soon as I get the knife I put my fins back on and start back to the dolphin. When I finally reach the dolphin I start cutting the net with the knife, but I notice that the dolphin is badly tangled in the net. The dolphin is still crying, so I try to calm him and start talking to him. When I am talking to him I give him a name, “Buddy”. Since the net is tightly wrapped around the dolphin it is causing Buddy to bleed which is really dangerous. Seeing the blood tint the water slightly around me I notice sharks starting to circle Buddy and I. I start cutting all the net around buddy as quickly as possible. I start to see the sharks getting closer and I feel a big powerful tug on the net and I see buddy dart away. But the sharks are still circling me, one snatch at me but I punch it in the nose. I swim through the gap where the shark was once swimming, but I notice I am swimming faster than usual. I look down and see buddy is pulling me to the shore. When Buddy and I reach the shore, I get off of him and turn around and pet him and say, “ Thank you Buddy!” Then Buddy swims away and I start to pack up my gear and head to my bike. Pedaling on my bike I realize all the stuff that just happened to me. Running through door I scream my dads name and he runs down the stairs and I start telling him the extraordinary story.

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