Dead or Alive | Teen Ink

Dead or Alive

May 20, 2014
By GRMulie BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
GRMulie BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Arkansas is perfecting his skills in the forest, avoiding all mud puddles so he won’t have to wash up. It’s perfected, that he now can sleep easily during. Arkansas, like any good southern man, sleeps through anything. He needs to get himself home before dusk. Before he went gallivanting around the forest, he had caught a large slug and beside it a few beetles for dinner.

He had given a proper amount of time for one possible encounter on they way home, luckily enough he had no such encounters today. His four kids and wife are all beginning to congregate around the table.
After dinner the kids ran off to their rooms to sleep and dream about tomorrow. “Can you believe these kids?” Arkansas questioned
“Barely! They are taking over our lives.” They continued to talk until it was eventually their own bedtime. In the morning Arkansas rummaging around the terrain to bring some breakfast home. “It’s time to go on a family dying lesson!!” He takes the family out for a day lesson. A couple hours go by, so Arkansas heads off into the brush to see if there is any food. The lady continues on with the lessons.
Not having seen Arkansas in a couple of hours, Carolina walks through the same brush to see her husband there dead as a doornail. His body rolls with her slight nudge to show his side covered in red residue. She finds a jewelry box for a coffin. While being placed very gently into the very comfortable jewelry box Arkansas begins opens his eyes, only to see his coffin being closed. The cushions inside of the box muff the sound of him moving around. Locked in he’s put in the ground by wife and kids, 6 inches down lay Arkansas.

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