200- Word Story | Teen Ink

200- Word Story

May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

Bottom of the 9th, two outs, and the winning run on 3rd. You can tell with Joe walking to the plate very gingerly, he didn’t want to bat. As the worst player on the team and not having a hit all season, joe seemed scared. Joe said to himself while walking to the plate, “I haven’t gotten a hit all season, and I have to bat right now, This is not going to be good.” All of a sudden, you hear a loud voice from the crowd. “Come on Joe! You can do it!” Joe looks at the crowd to see his dad yelling and cheering him on. With a nice smile as big as the Rocky Mountains, Joe picks up the bat and heads to the plate. The pitcher looks at the catcher and gets his sign. The windup and the pitch… CRACK! The sound of the ball hitting the bat makes a thunderous sound. The ball lands over the fence and the crowd goes wild. As joe touches home plate, he is greeted with an enormous hug from his father. “You did it son” said Joe's father. Joe is speechless.

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