Kyle’s Baseball Tournament to Fort Myers Florida | Teen Ink

Kyle’s Baseball Tournament to Fort Myers Florida

May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

When Kyle was 17 years old, he and his whole baseball team took a trip to Fort Myers florida. This was the first time Kyle played for the St. Louis Gamers. With such excitement and joy, Kyle didn’t know how to handle himself when he found out he was going to Florida. The best part about going on this trip, he got to room with his baseball friends, and his hotel was right next to the beach. But, there were also some things about this trip he didn’t like. Kyle had to miss 3 days of school and it was his junior year. Kyle did not like missing school because of all the makeup work he had to do. The biggest thing he hated about the trip was having to fly. Flying is one of the most feared things to Kyle. Kyle and flying were like cat and dog, just didn’t go well with each other. After the first flight it got a little bit easier for him, but still he was not up for it. Kyle landed there on a thursday night and right when he got there his jaw dropped. Seeing all of the palm trees and the ocean, he never wanted to leave. “This place is amazing!” said Kyle.

“Yes, yes it is, I’ve lived here for over thirty years and I still never get tired of this place” replied the cab driver.

“Yeah I bet. Living next to the beach in a beautiful place like this must be the greatest. It’s definitely better than Missouri.” Said Kyle.

“Yeah, I have never been to Missouri but I doubt it’s better than this.” Replied the cab driver.

Kyle arrived at the hotel and was met by one of his assistant coaches and his roommates. They walked up to the room and they were very nice, this hotel was a lot different from other hotels. It was all outside and it was set up like a dorm room. Kyle was staying with some of his good friends Shane and Cory. They all settled in and went to bed, they had a big day ahead of them. The First team they played were a team from Florida, they were good. This was the first time Kyle played against people of this caliber, there were many scouts there and you could tell he was a bit nervous. Kyle ended up playing very well, he had 2 hits and threw a guy out at home. They had another game that they also ended up winning, they were off to a good start. Kyle, Shane, and Cory arrived at the hotel around 4:30 and they all got ready to go out to eat. It was a friday night and it was very busy around the town. When they walked out of the hotel and starting walking towards all the restaurants, Kyle noticed people dressed up like pirates.

“Why are people dressed up like pirates..?” Kyle said to Shane and Cory.

“There is some type of pirate festival going on here this weekend.. Its kind of odd” Replied Shane.

“Yeah that is really weird actually, I don’t know why you would go into public dressed like a pirate.” Said Kyle.

They ended up eating at hooters and then went to the beach.

“When I grow up, I definitely want to live here.” Said Cory to Shane and Kyle.

“Yeah I love walking on the beach, and this place is so nice, I could listen to these waves forever.” Replied Shane.

They walked back up to the hotel, and they all got ready for bed. They had a big game the next day against most likely the best team in the tournament, The East Cobb Astros. There whole team was committed to a division one school. At least they got to play at Jetblue Stadium though. Jetblue Stadium is the replica of the famous Fenway Park. They ended up losing the game 8-0. Kyle, Shane, and Cory went back to the hotel and got ready to go to the beach. The whole team went up there to throw the football around and to play some beach volleyball. They had tons of fun and you could tell they did not want to leave. The next day they won their 2 games and went 4-1 in the tournament. They did not advance to the championship bracket because they lost a game. They all enjoyed their last day at the beach and then packed up. Kyle had to be on the plane by himself this time and he was still scared. But, after being away for so long he was ready to be home. Kyle got back on monday around 4. Kyle had quite an experience, and one that he will never forget.

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