My Wost Dream | Teen Ink

My Wost Dream

May 27, 2014
By Deion Singleton BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Deion Singleton BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Worst Dream

Dreaming should be the most exciting fantasy I should have before falling asleep, but for me tonight was not that night. It all started when my two brothers and I were riding in the back of a friend’s car. Joey was the driver and Mike was in the passenger seat. We had no idea where we were going, but we were with our friends, so we felt safe.
As we were driving, Joey and Mike wanted to stop at a gas station because they saw somebody they knew. At that time my two brothers, Lionell and Donavan didn’t feel like waiting, so they went across the street to the mall because they saw two girls walking. I hesitated to go with them because I did not want to mess up anything, so I stayed with Joey and Mike.
Mike and Joey seemed to have something planned, as they told me to buy them some chips while they talked with their friend. I thought to myself, why do they need chips now? As I was walking into the store, I remembered Joey talking to Mike earlier describing how they wanted to beat a guy up for stealing from them. I started to realize and put pieces together, wondering if the guy they were talking to is the guy that stole from them.
As I came back to my senses, I walked into the conversation with their chips. Mike introduced me to their friend Bill and offered chips to everyone. No one took the offer to have any, so we continued our conversation about sports. Bill was a guy that seemed very nice and calm, but he was also very buff and tall. We were all talking and Joey gave me a secret head nod. I then knew Bill was the guy that stole from them. I immediately walked away from the conversation to the car and texted my two brothers. “Hey we have a problem, be ready to fight” I said. Lionell and Donavan knew I was about to be in a situation and that they would have to come save me. I thought to myself, I hope they make it in time before things go wrong.

Meanwhile, Mike and Joey knew it was a perfect time to move in on Bill since he was alone and make him pay for stealing from them. Their plan was to surprise Bill with an uppercut and hopefully it would knock him out, so they could take his body back to their home. Mike and Joey were about to start their plan and Bill started acting strange. Bill was catching on. He knew that they found out that he was the guy who stole from them a while back. When they were about to attack Bill, he whistled and immediately people started coming out of nowhere. Laughing, he said he never traveled alone. Joey and Mike were surprised; they quickly took out their guns and took cover.
As I heard the guns go off, I knew my friends were in trouble and I had to come help. It was five against two when I showed up with my pistol. Shots were fired everywhere. I thought to myself that today would be my last day living, I should have gone with my brothers when I had the chance.
After all the shots that were fired, Mike and Joey ran out of bullets. No one was shot and we were getting boxed in. I had enough for one reload on me and there was only one thing to do. I thought to myself quickly, that everything happens for a reason and maybe today I was supposed to die with my friends and without my brothers. My plan was to rush the five guys while they reloaded and take as many out as I could. Knowing this would be impossible and suicide, I still wanted to take the risk for my friends.
While I reloaded my gun and was getting ready to kill, I said a quick prayer. “God forgive me.” No one could save us but God that night. After my short prayer I was ready to go. Soon as the guns stopped firing, I immediately took off and started shooting. I shot one guy in the leg and another in the arm. As I took a two second cover, my adrenaline was pumping swiftly. I got back up and started firing again. After three shots I was out of ammo, but this time I shot the rest of the crew while getting shot in the leg. I then knew my life was over. No one could save us at this time.
I was on the ground crawling in pain, Bill and the rest of his friends started to head towards me after they caught Mike and Joey. Today was the day we were all going to die. They approached me, all I could see was a silver pistol in my face. This was my last breath. Bill grabbed the gun and wanted to kill me himself. “Don’t ever try to kill me,” he said. Soon as Bill was about to pull the trigger, two machine guns fired towards him. Everyone took cover and wondered who was firing. My brothers stepped out with bullet proof vests, a pistol and machine guns.
Lionell and Donavan had come to save the day. Donavan and Lionell took out their pistols and immediately started firing at the guys; the guys were shocked from the surprise of my brothers.
I had never been so happy to see my brothers in my life. After they killed everyone they immediately ran over to us. Mike and Joey apologized for everything to my brothers and explained what happened. Even though my brothers heard the explanation they were still very upset. They had never been known for killing, but they would have to live with this forever. Lionell told Mike and Joey that he does not want to see them ever again. Their friendship with us was now over.
After we discussed everything and started to pick up the bodies, I had noticed Bill’s body was missing. I ask Lionell and Donavan how many guys they killed, and each said two. Mike and Joey looked at me and knew that was trouble. I explained to my brothers that Bill was the main guy of this whole scene. My brothers looked crazy and gathered us up quickly. Lionell and Donavan were very angry about this whole situation and took it out all on Joey and Mike. They were so angry that they pointed the guns at Joey and Mike. I had to control my brothers before they did something they would regret. After they settled down, we all started to leave the gas station together. We knew Bill was out there somewhere because his car was still at the gas station. Lionell and Donavan wanted to find Bill before he could cause any more trouble.

As we began the search, we looked at the time and it was 2 a.m. While we searched, our wounds from getting shot were getting worse. My brothers decided we should head to a hospital, but we didn’t want them to report our gunshot wounds to the police, so we manned up and kept searching.
The night was coming to an end and we started to give up. Bill was nowhere to be found. Joey and Mike apologized once again and told my brother that they would take care of the problem later on that day. I told them they would have to find him quick before he found us. They agreed and we were on our way to go home. When we arrived at Joey and Mike’s house, we all got out the truck to carry each other in. This night was finally about to be over.

As we are getting out of the truck, this voice out of nowhere said gotcha. It turned out Bill was lying down in the back of our truck the whole time. Bill laughed while he was pointing his gun at us. I thought to myself, how this could possible happen? Everyone was shocked and knew we were about to die. Bill lined us all up to kill us each one by one. Immediately he shot Joey and Mike in the head. It happened so quick that we had no plan trying to get all of us out and safe. Lionell and Donavan tried talking to Bill, but he did not want to hear anything. Bill was done with this night and wanted everything over.

Finally, Bill asked who wanted to be the first to die out of the brothers. He was being polite since we were such good fighters. Lionell stepped up and said take me first. Soon as he stepped out, Bill shot Lionell in the leg. He wanted him to feel all the pain before he died. Donavan and I did not know what to do at the time; all we could see was our older brother pain. Next Bill told me to step out. I stepped out and Bill shot my other leg that was not wounded.
My life flashed before me at that moment. There was nothing to do. Bill told Donavan he was next. Donavan stepped out and Bill looked at me. He told me tell your brother goodbye and shot me in the head. I woke up immediately from this dream with heavy breathing. I thank God that this was a dream and not real life. I always thought dreams could only be fun, but tonight I experience my worst dream.

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