Littlun's Life | Teen Ink

Littlun's Life

May 28, 2014
By MRohit BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
MRohit BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Littluns Life

I don’t know where I am but I know that daddy and mummy are not here. I really miss them, and I am not the only one. Every night many of us cry because of the impotent feeling of being alone. The elders here are not even adults, they are careless kids. I feel free but at the same time lonely and not loved. Elders here are doing things that I do not even understand. Some are building tents that get blown by the wind, others are trying to create a fire and others think they will be able to kill a pig without a sword. Our chief, Ralph is quite responsible and caring but it does not replace the love of parents. The other one thinks he owns the place, Jack is his name. And there is one more, Piggy, he is the one that asked our names the other day. I do not really care what they do as long as they give me water, food and shelter. I just enjoy the sand and the bathing pools. I love diving into the warm water, it makes me remember hot chocolate in winter. I miss home. My family. My life.
I hope we get rescued soon, I do not think I will be able to survive for long. I feel nasty with my long nails, dirty hair and what remains of my dirty clothes. I feel I am not a person anymore. If my mom saw me in this state she would freak out. I miss my sister too, hope she is fine. If she was here she would not survive a single day. She hates bugs and insects which are abundant here. They are everywhere, I am already getting used to them. They do not even bother me anymore. That is a good thing since we do not know how long we will
be trapped in here. If we stay here for long, I guess it will feel like home some day. We will eventually get used to it. By it, I mean, being dirty, eating the same things everyday, not having tea, bathing with salty water, not sleeping in beds, and taking care of ourselves. Sometimes I ask myself why is it that we are here. Is it God’s will or just bad luck. Maybe it is God testing out strenght and preparing us for adulthood. If God exists, of course.
For now, I will just concentrate on my sand castle. It is the only thing that makes me forget that I am in this island alone and bored. I will make this castle the best sand castle ever made and I will make it so strong that the next people who land here will see it. No one will be able to break it. Not even that kid who thinks he owns the place. I will make it shine with stones, shells and flowers. It will be perfect. When it is finished I will make battles against other’s castles and build a kingdom. That is my objective for now, I don't care about what goes on with the elder ones.
I am really hungry and mum is not here to feed me. I miss her haddock marinated in garlic, her eel pies, her eggs with sausages or her delicious apple pie. Oh and how I miss having a good English tea served with pastries and bakery. I don't know how long I will be able to live without them. At the moment I have to satisfy my stomach with fruits, or sometimes pork, if the hunters offer me some. Fruits are collected from trees, which most of, I do not reach the height where the good fruit is. There are fruits on the ground too, but I would not risk having a warm crawling in my stomach eating all the things I eat.
Today while I was collecting fruit, that kid Simon appeared. He is a strange lad, he is always by his own wondering about. Not really doing something specific, it is like he is just thinking about things, god knows what they are. He saw me struggling to reach a fruit and came by to help me. Although he is weird, I like him. He did not just help me but many more of us, and then he just disappeared.
Later that day I was running to the platform since someone started blowing the conch. The conch was a sign of power and authority. To talk during and assembly you had to have the conch in your hands. Usually the ones who talked were Ralph, Jack and sometimes Piggy. When I was running towards the platform I fell and hurt my knee. The skin came off and blood was flowing down my leg. It hurt and burned a lot but not that much to make me cry. I cried anyways, not because of the pain, but because of the absence of someone to look after me, and to make me stand up and go on. That someone was mum. She would come by and first of all make me stop crying. Then she would bring some disinfectant and spray it over my wound. That would make it burn even more but in her other hand she would have a sweet that would just make me not feel it. I think she is a better doctor that any doctor in the world. Since she is not here, I had to be strong and carry on. I simply cleaned the wound in the pool and hoped it would be fine.
Night fell upon the island and everyone gathered in the sheltered at the beach. All the littluns gathered in one shelter and were preparing to sleep, when one of them said he had a story to tell. That kid had a mulberry coloured birthmark on his face. I knew from the beginning that it would be a horror story and felt goosebumps. The kid told us a story about a “beastie” living in this island. He said he saw it and it was a snake like thing, absolutely terrifying. He also said it might come to the shelters at night and eat them. This scared the guts out of me, and it was a fact that I would have nightmares. I was trying my best to forget this story and suddenly I was out. Out but in again since my dreams started. I was in the damp, dark forest alone and cold. I heard noises behind my back but when I turned around there was nothing. I realized I was walking in circles and the noise was still behind me. Then I saw a shadow behind a tree. I was long and thin. Like a snake. Suddenly I felt something gripping my leg. It was tight and I fell to the ground. I looked to my feet and I saw my foot inside the snake’s body. It was swallowing me alive. I tried to go back and take my foot out but in a moment she was up to my knee. I could not move and just gave up. It crawled little by little up my body until I was completely inside her. When my head was inside her I woke up. Sweat was all over me and I was shouting as if I saw a real snake. I was crying and once again mom was not there to take care of me and calm me down. There was no bed to run to and no parent to hug. I was completely alone in an unknown place with a bunch of careless kids. I cried until I fell asleep again.

The author's comments:
A whole new perspective to Lord of the Flies.

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This article has 1 comment.

Clarita BRONZE said...
on Jun. 8 2014 at 9:46 pm
Clarita BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
te tengo que aplaudir no?