Todd the Mosquito | Teen Ink

Todd the Mosquito

May 30, 2014
By navillus BRONZE, Coronado, California
navillus BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"RIP"-Lil Wayne

Todd is a 4-day-old mosquito. His experience in life gives him an edge on not getting squashed. He was born in a kiddy pool and his first victim was a 80 year old lady. Her caretaker tried to kill him, which gave him his first taste of life as a mosquito. No one likes mosquitos. So, to get food, blood, Todd strategically lands on the back of people’s calfs so they can’t see him. The younger mosquitoes are in awe of Todd. He’s gotten past being locked in a car with an angry mom with a fly swatter. He hid in her hair to get out. A movie was made about it called “The Escape”. He’s also taken blood from Muhammad Ali, Barack Obama, and Charlie Sheen. Although he didn’t know who he had bitten, that doesn’t matter.

The author's comments:
I hope that Todd inspires people

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