Fat guy gets stuck on rollercoaster at Six Flags | Teen Ink

Fat guy gets stuck on rollercoaster at Six Flags

June 2, 2014
By Cokeboy_jerms BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Cokeboy_jerms BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On May 17,2014 it was a beautiful day very bright and sunny.we went to six flags with my school and my girlfriend.It was very fun. Me and my girlfriend got to play games,got on rides,ate alot,and had the best time of my life.But there was one thing that went wrong in six flags.The ride “El Toro” had a malfunction.We wanted to get on this very fun ride but we couldnt.People say there was techniqal to El Toro was getting messed up.Some say the energy was shut down.Well it wasnt.Everyone was wondering why did he get stuck? When did it take place? Who was with him? What did this occur to? Where did this happen?

A fat guy has got stuck on the ride but at the top of the roller coaster.HIs name was Fransico.He was screaming for dear life and begging for people to help him get out.He was dangling at the top of the roller coaster. “The roller coaster was moving down and he was screaming even more.He went down a steep hill on the roller coaster and the ride tried to go up but it couldnt.” It stopped right in the middle and he was screaming even more.Everyone around him was laughing and feeling bad for him.I was actually scared for him because i didnt want to witness a death right infront of me.The staff of six flags rushed to the top of the rollercoaster and walked down the rollercoaster with a crow bar to break the seat open for him to get out.The crow bar broke and they had to use tools to unscrew the car for him to get out of it.They had to melt the tools of the rollercoaster they separated the cars from eachother and broke the seat.They got him out but he had to go to the hospital because he had several bruises on his stomach and legs do to the impact of the rollercoaster.Right now he is doing ok but still laying in bed resting peacefully.


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