Kylie | Teen Ink


October 2, 2014
By lela whitener BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
lela whitener BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   The wind was blowing,the sky as blue as the sea flowing with creatures waltzing all around,and the flower reefs blowing off of her grave.she was eighteen.the rest of us were also in our late teens living in the quiet town of Tennessee.We all had dreams of going to New York,but one of us never made it back.                                                                               
           We were sitting in the flower field making reefs,bracelets,and necklaces.It was all silent and peaceful untill megan began to talk.”I’m tired of this lame town with all of its ordinary people walking around judging people with there bible aged rules”.We all started laughing becuase she was the most judgemental person any of us had ever met.
          Maya was the oldest out of all of us, so she was like the guardian in the group, and the most imaginative one.She would always come up with these crazy ideas or dreams that we all just laughed at,but one day she actually had a great idea.”I agree with Megan,i’m tired of this old town and i know you guys are tired of spending your spring break here”.She was actually right.Spring break was actually almost here and everyone was planning on going on vacation.Lily had said “why don’t we just go to New York”.We all thought about it for a moment asking questions in our head like how we were going to get there and where all the money was going to come from.
         The plan was that we were each going to work extra hours to save up the money.lily had booked the plane tickets and megan found us a chauffeur for the whole time we were going to be up there.I came up with the excuse to tell our mom”s.It was finally time to leave for sping break, we had told our mom” that this trip would help us get ideas for our senior project.Suprisingly they had bought it,and before we knew it we were on the first flight to New York City.
          It was our first day in the big city and it was amazing (except for some of the rude people).The hotel was grand, and o my love the beaches were astonishing.The waves were crashing, the seagulls were flying around,and Megan wasn't too happy about that at all.”I swear if one of those stupid birds poop on me i’m gonna start throwing some rocks” Megan said.
       Were half way through our vacation and today we're going to do some more shopping. After we were done going crazy over the various amount of stores,clothes, and shoes they had,we finally started shopping for souvenirs. I was so amazed by the various options they had. All the girls were going crazy,Except for me.I was just standing there staring intensely at this one bracelet,but i didn’t buy it. ihad ran out of money to spend,so i just left it there.It was time to leave but there was one more store opened,so Lily,Megan, and I had told Maya and Mike that we were just going to go in and check it out.
      We had finally left the store and walked outside to the car when we heard “DROP THE BAGS NOW !!!” someone was yelling,and thats when we noticed it.There was a gun pointed right in their direction.Terror streaked across their face.I began secretly dialing 9-1-1, and handed it to lily.I had stepped out into the shadow and moved my way around the situation, but i guess he had seen me because all you could hear were the spray of bullets going off in every direction.
     There was blood on my hands.I could hear faint sirens,weeping and the rush of people moving around.Their were bodies lying on the ground covered by tarps.I was pretty sure that it was Maya and Mike,but mike was on a stretcher and Maya was screaming in pain.It was the shooter and Lily. Her bags were scattered across the ground.Megan was horrified,but she was only grazed by a bullet,and then everything went black.
       I had awaken in the hospital staring at the ceiling.I had been shot in the side but it didn’t hit anything.My mom and Megan were asleep in the chairs next to me.I could see the detectives in the hallway carrying evidence bags with Lily’s stuff,and that’s when i noticed that there was a bracelet in the bag.It said Kylie.  

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