The Adventure | Teen Ink

The Adventure

October 6, 2014
By cadef BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
cadef BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Marshall Mallard liked to drive fast, and when he went on hunting trips, he sometimes drove really fast. There was something about the feeling of being on the open highway and the idea of shooting a monstrous elk that just made him want to drive fast.

He was on his way to New Mexico finally! “The biggest elk in the world are found there,” he thought to himself as he pressed his foot down a bit harder on the accelerator.

He glanced in his rear view mirror just in time to see blue lights flash on behind them.

“Dang!” He exclaimed as he looked at his speedometer. He was driving 100 miles per hour.

The officer slowly walked up to his window and asked for his license and registration. Marshall looked at the officers name tag it said “James Mallard.” The officer looked at his license and said “Your Marshall Mallard my brother.” Marshall replied “We were separated as kids when our parents died.”

The men went over to the next town and grabbed a bite to eat. James asked “How are you doing?” Marshall replied, “Good I got into drugs down in Mexico, I was the world’s best drug lord, the cops could never catch me, that’s how I became rich. I finally wanted out so I got a new identity.”

After that evening, Marshall never saw James again. Marshall was on the road again, he was checking his speed to make sure he wasn’t running over the speed limit.

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