The Shape of Fire | Teen Ink

The Shape of Fire

October 20, 2014
By irmunkey BRONZE, Frederick, Colorado
irmunkey BRONZE, Frederick, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An adventurer journeys accross an unforgiving land to find his captured friend.

Chapter 1: Druidawn

I bounded through the snow, barely noticing the searing pain in my legs as the snow melted and steamed. All I could think about was the terror that was making my heart pump and every vein pulse. I had cried before, but not like this, the tears were frozen solid, without melting on my skin. I don’t dare to look back for fear that they might catch me. Until I get to a warmer region, I will have to sleep above the snow. First of all, I can’t stand the pain of touching the snow, and secondly, I’d send up a giant steam cloud telling my pursuers exactly where I am. I see a clearing in the snow. T am going to throw my pursuers off the scent. There is a small cave near the clearing, I melt my way over to the cave and go off in another direction. As I am walking, I see a lump of snow move. I ready my sword and as the suspense grows, I see a little baby seal pop its head out of the snow. With a sigh, I sheath my sword and head on. After about 1 mile, I’d turn around and head back to the cave. After I get back to the cave, I will my body to become just bright enough for me to see. There are skeletons all over the wall. I stifle a yelp. Then I think to myself, wait, why haven’t I been flying? I could be miles away by now, with not a single worry about my pursuers. In fact, they would have completely lost my trail. Oh well, I can do that in the morning. I turn myself into the smallest bit of fire and, (because I can’t maintain this form for a long), dart through the entire system of caves in a matter of seconds. I see a few giant rats. Then, I see a water sprite. Nasty things.  This one is different from the others that have seen.  Instead of being humanoid and standing up right, it stoops over and has a set of pointed teeth.  Ugh, I hate water!  As I know from experience, water sprites travel in packs, but what troubles me is the fact that I usually sleep in caves because water sprites hate caves, in fact, all of sprites hate caves!  Since the sprite is pretty far down, I decide that it is safe to sleep in the cave.  Because I am me, I can melt almost anything, so, I melt a notch in the wall of the cave opening, then mold a wall with a peephole in it out of the molten rock and will it to harden.  Ok, since I’m safe now, I might as well explain my story.

Chapter 2: Childhood

My name is Druidawn, I have been um…  “special” ever since I was a child, in fact, I was actually abandoned by my parents because of that specialness.  Mine is a fairly sad tale.  I am a fire elemental, I can set things on fire at will and since recently, I can fly and change my form into creatures and objects.  As you can tell, I can’t be very sneaky in my original form unless I tone down the brightness of my skin.  When I was a child, I was basically an outcast of society.  When I was only 10 years of age, I was abandoned by my parents after finding a baby giant wolf (about the size of an adult wolf at birth).  I named him Darkon. After that it was just me and Darkon from then on. Growing up was pretty hard until I started gaining my powers. After that it was still hard, but less so. I pretty much became a thug in my home town. There were already thugs in my town, but I rose to the top quickly. This was mostly because of my mixed species powers. I am a mixed species because my father was a fire elemental and my mother was a shape shifter. See, normal fire elementals can only change their shape into a handful of things, while I can change into more and more things as my power grows.   As a child, I was able to set a small fire to objects.
Also, I was able to throw a small bit of fire from my hands. All the other kids thought my powers were pretty amazing. The one bad thing about my home town was that the Jarl was a water elemental and that means that we were like mortal enemies. I didn’t feel like I hated him, but he just made my life a living hell. After making my life hell for a couple years, then I hated him. In fact, he even made me a total laughing stalk once. Growing up a thug is supposed to be hard, but for me it was very easy. When I was finally able to alter my brightness, sneaking and seeing at night was so much easier. Because the Jarl is a water elemental, I was actually afraid of him. Of course, this is a rational fear because water hurts me. Some people thought I was strange because they would see me eating wood. Wood is actually very nutritious for fire elementals, I guess that some people just don’t know that. My guess is that people don’t know facts about fire elementals since we are a rare species to come by.

Chapter 3: Awake

I wake up with a start in the morning and super-heat my hand-made door into the shape of a board. I extend my hand into a fire-blade and chop a tree twice to make a log. As I eat the log peacefully, I think about how good the wood tastes. To people like me, wood tastes kind of like fresh bread. I need the energy to be able to set my stone board ablaze and shoot fire from underneath it. As I finish my log, I summon fire to come out the bottom of the board. From personal experience, I know that it is easier to fly on a board than to fly by shooting fire out of my hands and feet. The board is just easier to control. As I take off, I notice a small caravan of man-hunters. There are five of them and each has a pair of vicious water wolves. Those beasts are the reason why I didn’t fry all of them in the first place. Water beings are the most difficult for fire beings to defeat, but fire beings are the easiest for water beings to defeat. I hate everything to do with water, except water itself, water I can stand, to a certain degree. I’m not even sure what type of elemental I can defeat, I’m pretty sure that it is earth beings, because of their plants and trees.

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