California Zombie Apocalypse | Teen Ink

California Zombie Apocalypse

November 6, 2014
By Lions19 BRONZE, San Jose, California
Lions19 BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

California Zombie Apocalypse
Day 1:
I thought it was going to be an ordinary day when I got to school that morning. But I saw Thaddeus acting weird before school even started and I didn’t know why. During second period, I saw him walking through the halls and he looked very pale. At brunch, Ray, Alex, Joey Wilson, Joey Nguyen, Tyler, Xavier, David, Adam, Nolan, and I were walking through the halls and we saw Thaddeus eating James. We freaked out and ran to the medal’s shop and we found Mr. Bob lying next to Mr. Wood, they were both dead. We sealed all the exits and boarded up all the windows. We knew that Mr. Bob had a safe full of guns and ammunition. I told Xavier and Tyler to try to get the safe open but they couldn’t. Then I told Joey Nguyen and Nolan to start making metal weapons from the scrap metals around the room.

Day 2:
I heard a person screaming outside, when I looked out, I saw Mrs. Bob running away from a hoard of zombies. When I heard her final scream, I knew it wasn’t good but I also knew that she had a weapon with her. I told Alex, “We need to go get her gun to shoot open the safe!” I grabbed some rags to wrap my phone in but I had the speakers exposed so that I can play music. I played the music as loud as I could and threw the phone away from the building to distract the zombies. They followed the music and that gave Alex and I time to run to get the gun. When we picked it up, we realized that the gun had been pulled apart into three different pieces. We were going to have to find the other two piece but we didn’t know where they were. Before we could start looking, the song on the phone stopped and the zombies started to come after us, so we ran into the foods class to escape them.

Day 3:
Alex got out his phone to check the news and we saw that there was news footage from a chopper over our school. Because the chopper was filming our school campus, we were able to see where the other two pieces of the gun were on campus. One piece was outside the gym and the other was near the office. We were going to have to devise a plan to get those two pieces but we needed to call the guys in the medal shop. So, Alex called David and said, “You and Adam need to grab some weapons that Nolan and Joey N. made, then go to the gym to grab the piece of the gun. The piece is near the basketball courts and you have to be careful because there are a lot of zombies out there.” Right after that, he talked to Joey Wilson and told him that he and Ray need to go get the piece of the gun that was by the office.

Day 4:
When David and Adam got to the gym, they thought that everything was okay but they didn’t know that around the corner was a hoard of zombies waiting for them. Adam went to check if the passage was clear, then David heard Adam’s scream. He went to check on him and he saw Adam being eaten by zombies. David tried to get away but he wasn’t fast enough, the zombies jumped on him. He tried to use the weapons that he had but the zombies were quicker than he thought and one of them bit him right on the arm! David ended up fighting them off and sprinted for his life, he ran back to the medals shop. When David got back to the room, Joey W. and Ray were there with the other piece but Alex and I still had the last piece with us in cooking class.

Day 5:
David knew that he was going to turn into a zombie after he was bitten, so he decided to sacrifice himself by distracting the zombies so that Alex and I could get back to the medals shop. We put the gun together and shot the lock off the safe. After we got the safe open, we got guns and we went shot our way to Safeway. We had been fighting these zombies for so long, we needed to eat something and drink water.  We also knew that we would need to go to Big 5 for more guns and ammunition, so we needed more energy. We thought that there would be more food at Safeway but the zombies got in there too, so we couldn’t stay long. 

Day 6:
While we were planning our route to Big 5, we were also waiting for the government to come help us. We knew they had been called when Thaddeus was first turned into a zombie and we also knew that the zombies spread quickly and they would want to stop them from killing or turning more people. On our way to Big 5, I realized we should stop at Target to get food, first aid supplies and clothes to survive. Before we got to Big 5, we got a call from the National Guard; they told us that our families were safe we should make our way to Nevada to be safe.

Day 7:
When we got to Big 5, we got all the guns and ammunition we could carry. We also got basic camping gear, in case we had to travel by foot but we found a double-decker bus in the parking lot and nobody was in it. We found the keys inside and I tried to drive but I couldn’t, so I asked Nolan to try, since he was the tallest. None of us knew how to drive but we were more scared of walking to Nevada than trying to drive there. Nolan was scared to try but he did and he did a good job, we did have some bumps but we were safe. We were happy to be on our way to Nevada and luckily we had a GPS on our phone to help us get there.

Day 8:
On our way to Nevada, we could see all the dead bodies around and we could see random zombies in the roads. It was not fun when we had to protect ourselves when we had to stop to use the bathroom somewhere. When we got to the beginning of Yosemite National Park, we ran out of gas. That was a horrible feeling because we were in the middle of nowhere but we were lucky again, we found a gas station with our phone. Joey Wilson, Alex, Ray, Xavier, and I walked to the gas station while the others stayed behind to keep the bus secure. It was easier to walk to the gas station then to walk back, we had to sneak past some zombies to get back to the bus, and when we did, everyone was okay.

Day 9:
When we got back on the road, we felt like we were so close and we would be safe soon. We drove to the Nevada/California border and there was military all over. They weren’t allowing any zombies through; they had electric fences and snipers. There was a gate that they let us drive through, but they also checked us, to make sure none of us had been bitten by any zombies. We were all safe, no bites. We were all so happy to be safe and reunited with our families!

Day 10:
We were able to shower, eat and they put us all on a plane to Washington D.C. to meet the President of the United States. When we got there, he congratulated us on surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in California. He also assured us that California will be cleared of all zombies and we will be able to go back home one day. I was okay with not going home for now, it really wasn’t home anymore, it was all destroyed. I never thought I’d be happy to leave California but I was.

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