Who Did It | Teen Ink

Who Did It

November 13, 2014
By prak12 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
prak12 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a hot sunny day in San Diego you can see everyone packing up getting ready for the bell to ring.
“The bell finally rung so Carlos and I rode our bikes to my house. “Oh no! I yelled with angered.”
“What happened Andrew” Carlos demanded?
“Someone must of T.V to the ground. But who” I replied.
“I don’t even know Carlos replied.”
Me and Carlos lifted the T.V and put it on the table.
“Oh my, theirs is a crack on the screen” Carlos commented.
“Man you got to be kidding me” I shouted.
“Look at the bright side” Carlos said.
“What bright side” I answered.
“Your dad going to buy a better flat screen T.V right” Carlos told.
‘Yeah but he’s going to blame us because we are the only one in the house” I exclaimed.
“Man that’s not cool Carlos replied, We should investigate” I demanded, “look over there the window is broken maybe someone threw something”.
“Yup someone did throw something I see a brick on the floor” Carlos told.
“Wait shush Carlos you hear that” I whispered.
‘ Yes I think there’s a burglar you get the pan” I get the rope Carlos told. I see him I charged with confidents and hit him in the head with the pan. He was down in the ground and knock out quick tie him double knotted. Nice now we can show my dad I said with joy. 


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