The Life Of Soccer | Teen Ink

The Life Of Soccer

December 9, 2014
By Sergio Gutierrez BRONZE, Stockton, California
Sergio Gutierrez BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bob Bird loves to play soccer. He has been playing soccer since he was eight years old, right now he is sixteen. He has two friends that he has known since he was in third grade. Their names are John and Steve. His two friends also play on the same soccer team that Bob plays. One time they were at practice and they were just shooting penalties. ”Can we do something else for practice?” said Bob to the coach.

“Something else?” asked the coach.
“Yeah, can we practice dribbles or play a little game?” said Bob.
“Just because you are the best player on this team you can choose an activity to do with the team,” said the coach.
“Thank you so much,” replied Bob with a big smile on his face. He went to go tell the team what they wanted to play. The whole team decided to just do a little short game. They decided to do this because they wanted to see how they were going to do their dribbles on an actual game when they played. A couple weeks later he was with his small brother watching television in the living room. Bob said,”I can’t wait to watch the Fifa World Cup in three months”.
“Why do you like soccer so much?” asked his little brother Billy.
“Why do you like watching Dora so much?” answered Bob while trying not to laugh.
“I don’t watch Dora but whatever,” said Billy. Bob just started to laugh and Billy looked kind of upset. After, Bob invited his friends John and Steve to his house. Steve got to Bob house first and then John came in about 5 minutes later. They went to Bob’s room to play a soccer video game on the Playstation 3. While they were playing John said,”Do you guys want to go outside and just play a short game of soccer instead?”
“In a bit when we are finished playing this game,” said Steve.
“Yeah what he said,” said Bob.
“Can I go play with you guys said Billy?” asked Billy.
“No!” shouted Bob.
“Why not?” said Billy with a sad face.
“I’m just playing little bro you could go play with us but if you get hurt you can't tell mom anything, okay?” said Bob.
“Okay I promise I won’t,” said Billy. Finally, they were done playing their game on the Playstation 3 so they went outside to play. They started talking about how tomorrow they had to play their finals at a tournament that was their last game of the tournament. They were saying that it was going to be a hard game to win because the competitive team was a good soccer team. Steve said,”I am a bit anxious for tomorrow guys”.
John said,”It’s going to be a very good game”.
“I’m going to try my best and let out everything I have learned at practice,” said Bob. After John and Steve left Bob’s house and went to their homes and Bob just went to sleep. Next morning Bob and his family got ready and went to the tournament game. When they were there the coach gathered the whole team to tell them on what to focus the most. He was telling them this so can have a better chance to beat the other team. They started playing and at the 24 minutes into the game John gave a pass to Bob and Bob just kicked the ball inside so they scored the first goal. He said to the coach,”We need to keep our defense good because the other team is going to try hard to score”.
Coach replied,”You just worry about forward I’ll make sure that the middle and defense are good”. They were now tied up one to one. The first half of the game ended. The coach said,”How are you guys doing?”
The whole team said,”Alright we haven’t really spent a lot of energy in running”.
“That’s very good team,” said the coach while drinking a Powerade.
The referee told both of the teams to go back in the field because the second half was about to start. Once both teams were on the field and were ready the referee blew the whistle so that the second half can start. About fifteen minutes into the game Bob’s team was very close to scoring another goal. They didn’t score it because the player kicked the ball a bit wrong so the ball hit the pole of the goal. The opposite team looked a bit scared after that happen because they thought that Bob’s team was going to score another goal. The other team rushed to try to score a goal. One of the forward players ran with the ball and there was no one to cover him so Bob ran and caught up to him and tried to slide in front of him to cover the shot but the player kicked very hard. The player accidently missed the ball and kicked Bob right on the knee very hard when Bob slid to block the shot. Everyone got up very quickly at that moment and Bob was just rolling his body on the ground and holding his right knee with his hands. His leg was like twisted backwards so they called an ambulance quickly. His dad Jason said that he can take him to the hospital in his car. Everyone told him no because he could hurt his knee more than it already was. The good thing was that there was an ambulance close by so they got there quickly so they took him to the hospital fast. When he got to the hospital the doctor immediately took him in a room and they did a lot of x-rays on his leg mostly on his knee. When the pain was away because of the medicine the doctor asked Julia and Jason if they wanted to go the room to see their son Bob. They said yes and then they followed the doctor to the room. When they were in the room the doctor was explaining to them what was wrong with his leg. The doctor said,”Bob has a fractured knee”.
  “Is it going to heal by itself or will he need to get surgery?” said Jason very fast without letting the doctor explain.
“If we don’t do surgery right now his knee may never heal and he is not going to be able to walk,” said the doctor.
“Do you need to know the answer of the surgery already?” asked Julia in a sad voice.
“The surgery has to be urgent, there is no time to lose,” said the doctor, “It is a 60% that the surgery will work and a 40% chance that it will be a failure”.
“Do anything you need to do to get my son to be able to walk and run again doctor,” said Jason.
“Okay then we will take him into surgery now,” said the doctor. Bob’s parents left and Bob was still asleep because of the medicine that they put. The family was in the waiting room when they heard a lot of noise that was coming from the hallway. The noise that was coming from the hallway was Bob’s soccer team and they were carrying a big trophy. Jason got up and explained to everyone what was going on. He was telling them everything that the doctor had said about the surgery. After he was done explaining the coach told him that everything was going to be very fine because Bob was a strong kid and that he was going to do great in his surgery. Jason asked if they had won first place because the team was carrying the gold trophy and the gold trophy was for 1st place. The coach told Jason that thanks to Bob the team had gone to the finals and that they tried very hard after and won the final game. Jason said that he was very proud of his son and then the coach told Jason that the team was going to give the trophy to Bob when he got out of surgery. The doctor went to the waiting room and told Jason that the surgery was finished. Everyone asked how the surgery came out and the doctor happily told them that the surgery was a great success and that in a short time Bob was going to be able to walk and run like he used to do before. Everyone was very happy when they heard that from the doctor. The doctor told Jason and Julia that he was going to keep Bob over the night just to keep him on observation because he might feel big pain. Jason and Julia said that it was fine so then the doctor said that they were going to move Bob to a big room so that everyone can go visit him. When Bob was back in the room, his whole team walked in and told Bob that they had won the tournament. They also told him that he was going to keep the trophy because he was the one that lead them to be champions. He went home after the doctor said that he was ready to go home. A couple weeks later he started jogging with John and Steve when they would go over to his house. Then he would go to soccer practice and everyone was helping him out by making him shoot penalties,dribbles, and short games. The whole team wanted him to still be the best soccer player on their team because he showed them good soccer skills.

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